New Grower Welcome to billythekid's 150W HPS Grow!!! Auto Critical Mass? Or is it... Tune in for more.

Sounds like you got it all planned out well. I forgot you had to do the switch.

Billy, the flowering times start when they are in bloom. Not preflower and not when flipped to 12/12. Also, I think you will easily pull the 112g mark buddy. 224 may be a stretch but aim high, nothing wrong with that.

And don't sweat about not updating a lot. We aren't going anywhere.
A few quick pics for everyone my phone/camera died before I could get more.. light are out so will have to wait...

These are all of the small plant.. this plant is tallest/lankiest of the two.


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All pics of the same plant *** after a bit of defoliation!

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All pics of the same plant *** after a bit of defoliation!

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Actually PIC 1 and 2 is the shorter and fatter plant!

I would guess you're fine. I don't know a whole lot about HPS, just what I read up on here and there. I would guess you're fine. Some growers replace them every grow, others every other grow. I doubt you'll see any difference with a new vs once used.

@Yeatster @Dudeski

Thanks guys for sticking around! Will try to get as many updates in as I can before harvest! Appreciate the feedback as always!

It's been a long couple months but man oh man is it going to be worth the wait! I'll be happy if I can pull 112 grams, I'm hoping for 224 grams. Time will tell! I am so pumped right now


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