New Grower Welcome to billythekid's 150W HPS Grow!!! Auto Critical Mass? Or is it... Tune in for more.

Running anywhere between 23-27 degrees celcius at canopy level, haven't had any problems yet so let's see what happens!!!

Hopefully things pick up this week with monster bloom. This should be when they start packing in weight I believe weeks 3-5?

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I have noticed leaves starting to yellow or die off?! Is this a cal/mag defiency? Zinc?

Not sure what's wrong, I had been running a space heater at lights off the only change I've really made to my grow and that I can think of maybe causing these besides a defiency? Any help would be great thanks!!! Hoping it's nothing to serious...

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Hungry? How are you feed them

My schedule has been a little random lately as I was working out of town. I water/feed 2-3 gallons until I get a good run off once a week alternating water feed water feed etc. Occasionally water feed feed water.

Since using monster bloom everything seems good! No more yellowing, and buds are really fattening up. Trichome production at full speed!

Pic update to follow this post.

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Trying my best with the pics not the best under hps lighting.
Hopefully I can get them out for some sexy poses soon.

2 of my fatter colas...all seem to be growing at the same rate.

The lanky pheno

Bushy pheno

Full tent

Full tent setup..working with what I got!

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They are going to build some phat buds! Great job. You are using monster bloom? I need to check it out. I just started using big up powder.
What day are you on?
Depends, when so you start to count flowering from 12/12, the switch? Or first signs of bud development? I did the switch in January 16 that's puts it on day 26 of flower if counting from first signs of bud I would say day 21 when the photos were taken now it's day 22 start of the 4th week!

To be honest I could be a day or two off as I am working out of town a lot and lost track of days but looking back in this thread it tells me I switched to 12/12 January 16! @Dudeski. So far yes monster bloom is doing well but it's hard for me to say as I have nothing else to compare to this is first indoor grow and go first time using any nutrient regime.


The rest of my beans are autos so ice ant to wait a little longer before starting as I don't want to put them under 12/12 would prefer to keep them at 20/4 or 18/6 under the big hps! Anything else I start this year will have to wait until they can go outdoors. Unfortunately I can't run full time.

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@Yeatster @Dudeski

Thanks guys for sticking around! Will try to get as many updates in as I can before harvest! Appreciate the feedback as always!

It's been a long couple months but man oh man is it going to be worth the wait! I'll be happy if I can pull 112 grams, I'm hoping for 224 grams. Time will tell! I am so pumped right now


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