Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

Fooksake man! I just went down to check the res cos I gotta chop some outdoor plants tomorrow and the main res was empty. Came up to fill the watering cans and said to Mrs Vlad, Fookinell they’ve drunk 20L in a day... she’s like, naaaah you must have a leak.

Unzip the tent... 20L of water on the floor! [emoji24]

Fookin water in one of the floats... :headbang: so it’s dribbled everywhere. Gonna buy me some new valves. Scrog is out for now, the GSC don’t really need it anyway cos they’re not that tall....

So .. that’s my Saturday night fooked! [emoji849]
You can get replacement seals for them vlad but check it's not the roots fookin them up [emoji106]

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You can get replacement seals for them vlad but check it's not the roots fookin them up [emoji106]

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There’s no roots in there mate. They’ve been digging up the road outside my house.. maybe vibrations ..

I pulled the seal out and turned it around, it looks totally fine tho and it works when I blew down it and pushed the float up. Must be water in the bottom float.

I’ll just buy new ones to be safe. [emoji226][emoji227][emoji229][emoji98][emoji97][emoji299]️

Love the cookies [emoji514]

I’ve got a lil problem, looks like cal-mag so I broke the law and added 1.2ml of the cal mag yesterday, it’s hard to tell if it’s made any difference tho.. buds are coming on nicely tho, but there’s a lot of sad looking leaves. Any ideas? Everytime I go above 1ml of A&B they go really dark green so I’m a bit stumped. [emoji848] They’re also getting 1ml of explode.

Here’s the BBG..

Have you found it? The attention you seek?

Are you swinging your ph?

Yes. Yes I have now! Thanks for your time Geez. The pH is set at 6 or 6.1 and I can only assume it rises until I fill the res up again. I’ve never checked the res when it about to be topped up tho... I just fill it up and then pH it.

What kinda swing would you recommend?

I like these ones..
Yes. Yes I have now! Thanks for your time Geez. The pH is set at 6 or 6.1 and I can only assume it rises until I fill the res up again. I’ve never checked the res when it about to be topped up tho... I just fill it up and then pH it.

What kinda swing would you recommend?

I like these ones..

Mines different cos I recirculate the nutes. In veg the ph creeps up, so I go at 5.6 and let it ride up. In flower it's the opposite.

I assume the same happening in your pots.