Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler


Pulling the air domes out of the bottom of the pots, a couple of em were absolutely teeming with the fookers. Thousands of em!

Bug spray, bleach and a lot of scrubbing. [emoji31]
Soo... lucky we didn’t chop last night. I was just rolling my last fag of the evening at 11PM and there was a knock at the door. I answered and there was two police officers, one armed and my nephew in handcuffs! [emoji23][emoji23]

Fookin pillock nicked his mum’s boyfriend’s car and stacked it, then got nicked! They were on holiday so I was the most suitable “responsible adult “ available apparently.

Imagine if I’d just finished a trim... [emoji33]

Oh yeah I would have crapped my pants. So is the nephew still among the living or have you killed him
Oh yeah I would have crapped my pants. So is the nephew still among the living or have you killed him

Hehe. He’s fine. Apparently he was stuck between a van and a parked car and kept going backwards and forwards hitting them both.

Looking at a 5 year driving ban for driving without a license. [emoji849]

That’ll teach him!
Look like soil mites / springtails to me dude:-

No major issue, i had em before, they love damp conditions, so difficult to run autopots and not causing damp.

Yeah, that’s the closest thing I’ve seen to what they are. I haven’t seen anything walking or jumping tho Jay, just tiny little maggot things in the water and in the bottom of the pots.

The cellar has been more damp than ever recently tho, with all the rain it’s been dripping through the walls.

It’s probably a yokel version of the springtail. Six fingers and webbed toes.