Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

Soo... lucky we didn’t chop last night. I was just rolling my last fag of the evening at 11PM and there was a knock at the door. I answered and there was two police officers, one armed and my nephew in handcuffs! [emoji23][emoji23]

Fookin pillock nicked his mum’s boyfriend’s car and stacked it, then got nicked! They were on holiday so I was the most suitable “responsible adult “ available apparently.

Imagine if I’d just finished a trim... [emoji33]

Fuck! What are the rest of your family like if you're the most responsible adult!

Swerved one there bruv.
Sounds good... I’ll never watch it tho , the wife talks too much!

Hey, that see through lock is a good place to start. The electric guns work, but are hard on locks. You can buy individual picks for about $4 each and are a good investment if you get into it. I would recommend some rakes, worms, and single hooks. My favorite for single pin picking is a DeForest Diamond. Most locks are easily raked in a few seconds to a minute, but learning to pick can be fun. The Chinese picks are rarely made of decent metal and tend to break easily. Go easy and use the see though lock to feel your way. Bosnian Bill on YouTube is the best for locksport vids. Cheers.

Anyway I'm an avid reader of your thread, along with Wilee and Itisi. I'm growing in Canada in a tent I'm calling Growcifer, an SJ Lodge 280.
Hey, that see through lock is a good place to start. The electric guns work, but are hard on locks. You can buy individual picks for about $4 each and are a good investment if you get into it. I would recommend some rakes, worms, and single hooks. My favorite for single pin picking is a DeForest Diamond. Most locks are easily raked in a few seconds to a minute, but learning to pick can be fun. The Chinese picks are rarely made of decent metal and tend to break easily. Go easy and use the see though lock to feel your way. Bosnian Bill on YouTube is the best for locksport vids. Cheers.

Anyway I'm an avid reader of your thread, along with Wilee and Itisi. I'm growing in Canada in a tent I'm calling Growcifer, an SJ Lodge 280.

Hey dude! I just watched a Bosnian Bill video.. he makes it look easy! I’ve been having a pop at this rusty ol thaaaang... she’s not having it! [emoji51]

Need to get some locks that haven’t been out in the rain for 20 years!

Tag me up in your thread maaan.. [emoji1365]