Magoo buddy, great video posted here! Deep Field is almost scary huh,...and truly incomprehensible! Those distances are not appreciable on any mental level to pretty much anybody, the scale is beyond grasp... And to think what the next almighty 'scope may reveal =

...even then, we're still talking about what limitations that the EMS can show us,... Even more profound/disturbing, is what most of the Universe is made up of and how it relates to the wee sliver of reality we can address that's making my mind spark and sputter!

Dark matter, dark energy,.. all the things we cannot perceive and measure directly, the rest of the "soup" we are swimming in!

Who's looking back at us from there?

--- Capt'n Kirk and Mr. Spock are changing each other's diapy's!

Walt's are looking fine and dandy, ready for blow-up

... it's been ages since I grew a Walt'... so many things to try, these "old" classics get left in the dust sometimes! But there's a good reason Walt is featured in so many other crosses.... Queue the HOD-

-- too bad about those oldies, but they still are breeding that, might even be better now? I inherited some now extinct 'Phisto originals that I need to run before they age much more, Sour Blues, Blue Cush........ hey, did you ever run Wild Thai Ryder?

Another super fine strain that gets no love! And this Asian Queen won't dominate your tent for months while wrestling it-

Oh I still laugh about that Purple Paro Valley!