Waltette is shaping up just right my friend! She'll be providing you with eye exercises and entertainment in prime time very soon- 1-2-3-
...... Who's the other roommate?

.... I hear you on old seeds, I fucked up a GHz99, now I have to try again but this time I'll do some surface scuffing...Still waiting for the cherry bomb to crack, but the fresher Citrus Noir and Night Queen are now potted!
I read up on things that can help with germ'ing old beans, like humic-fulvic and using gibberellic acid, and a tiny tiny dash of inoculant in solution to protect against pathogens... I don't have GA but use Recharge inoculant, Si and h-f, particularly fulvic which is smaller in size and can taken directly into the tissues where humic can't... Did you read the cool article on this in Reference section? Chelation too, they are tied together after all,...

the Others,... this biologist is most curious about
what those life forms are like, not any doubt about
if they exist,... Still, we cannot view this through anthropomorphic lenses, as much as we know about Life on Earth, there are still vast gaps in the knowledge, many many dots unconnected,... makes us hopelessly speculative about how other modalities of Life could operate! We still are

in a lot of ways-

there are still amazing life forms here though, billion+ year old biological artifacts from the time when O2 was a poison in the atmosphere (Archaebacteria, cyanobatceria, et al)! Did you know, it was the evolution of photosynthesis and it's absolute ass-kicking advantage that started changing the atmosphere's gas content?

And the deep sea vent life forms, another example of Life not based on anything connected to sunlight, pure chemosynthesis... All hints and clues to alternate modalities of biological life!