the optical tube on that scope is a good one. BUT the single fork arm and tripod are not. at high magnification she would be very wobbly. it would work fine at low power, but what you want is to use high power when the sky is transparent.
no you cant track a moving object, moving through the sky. these scopes have tracking, but only celestial objects. with a wide field low power eyepiece you may catch a glimpse of a fast moving object, but you cant stay with it. a sturdy tripod is a must. may i show you something similar, with a better mount. a dual fork Maksutov on a sturdier tripod.
https://www.adorama.com/mdetx125o.html this has a much better mount.
dual fork arms. and a mount that can be programmed in the Alt. Azimuth position or , and this is important, it can also be set up in the equatorial
way as well.
@Waira yes i lucked out with this gear. i could not afford this stuff. i would be buying 30 dollar Chinese panels at auction on fleabay.
Holy Shit!!! Dinafem raided and shut down. 2020 will go down as one of the most fucked up years in recorded history.

my heart aches for Mark. and now he is out of a good job as well.

i cant wait for the end of 2020. please stay safe my good friend.