Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

That is the truth. I hope for at least 1 and a half oz. off of what is drying. I think I'm drying at about 50%. I'm just so happy. I think I have decent results for a first timer. Also this light makes long colas. Thanks for seeing me through friend.
That is what we are here for! Im not going anywhere either because I know i will continue to need help. You have had great results, im sure not as much as you want to harvest but you did finish the job. Just a little left to mature but the finish line is getting near.
Anytime my friend! It has been a pleasure
Ok so after looking around the tent to see if any other plant has been harm in anyway. To my surprise I think we have another one ready for harvest she is the one that looks like she is dying. Not many hairs have change but she is reading cloudy. Her buds are rock hard and I got feeling she's ready. What should I do.

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Wait for some amber. The buds really fill out in the last week or two. You'll be happy you waited! I'm so happy for you! No better feeling than smoking your first grow!! Congrats
I Did it!!!!!! You are so right. But on the other side I grew out 7 strains and gained a lot of experience. So I do feel like a winner
I Did it!!!!!! You are so right. But on the other side I grew out 7 strains and gained a lot of experience. So I do feel like a winner
Heck yes! You're definitely a winner. You did good! And wow congrats!! Babies are so much fun! You are going to be one busy man lol. Just make sure you help out during the night so your wife can rest. I'm telling ya labor takes every ounce of energy out of you and waking every 3-4 hours to feed the baby for the first few months is extremely exhausting. I'm so excited for you. I wish I could have one more lol but my bank account says nooooooooo haha
Thinks friend I know trust me we have 5 now ...