Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

I'm sorry to report that I don't think the seeds are going to sprout. Over night temps went up way to high I woke up to all pots being bone dry. What a waste. I have one bean left. time to order again. Thanks everyone the tried to help. Next question how long can my kind soil and roots soil sit in the pots I really don't want to buy all that stuff again?

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I tried to find seeds in soil I could not

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Its only been like two days since you planted the seeds right?
How high did your temps get and how?
I would just keep the soil moist and wait about a week for the seeds to sprout.
I guess that the right plan over 90 the soil was bone dry but your right I'll just order more seeds I already put water in pots so ill just wait.......... Thanks

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I guess that the right plan over 90 the soil was bone dry but your right I'll just order more seeds I already put water in pots so ill just wait.......... Thanks

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Yeah just wait.. 90 isn't to bad
I know 90 isn't that by soil was bone dry I wet it I'm not gonna stress it. Thanks bro

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I know 90 isn't that by soil was bone dry I wet it I'm not gonna stress it. Thanks bro

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It will not kill anything just slow it down.. You already added more water.. Should be ok.. Keep it moist in there they will pop.
They can still be perfectly fine. I germ in Paper towels and they have gotten dry I just wet them again and they still sprouted.
I tried to find seeds in soil I could not

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Do not look for the seeds before 3-4 days. If that tap root was out and the soil wasn't damp while you were looking, you could break the taproot. I'm sure they weren't out yet, but since you couldn't find them, I wouldn't even look for them now. Just wait for them to sprout. They will pop up.
Thank you guys for looking out for me. I am happy to report I see life.

Maybe some how she didn't go deep into soil but I see tail should I cover the rest of the seed with soil