Outdoor Vas’ Audacious Auto Attempt, Organic, 40 autos ,5 strains !!!

Well the weather has turned shit on me in the last 5 days or so, very autumn like conditions, storms, showers,cloudy, high humidity , lower temps. Got me nervous about mould, feels like autumn and I didn't do a preventative spray being spring / summer grow. Just cleared up a bit this arvo , went to checked on the autos, shake dry & take pics and the fkn hbss' had some mould and a tiny bit on a Devil....
It's not over yet, this cloudy shitty, low temps are forecast for the next week or so. I need a hot dry spell asap. If I can get a couple of hours sunshine next few days, I'll do a milk spray on them all anyway, nothing to lose now expect buds to fkn mould. I've sworn alot today lol. Filthy fkn bastard botrytis and fuck me for not spraying a few weeks ago. This is what happens kids....

Hubbabubbasmelloscope 1. 9 weeks old

Hubbabubbasmelloscope 2. 9 weeks old

Big Devil Auto XL 1, 9 weeks old, short & fat this one 70cm

Big Devil Auto XL 2, 9 weeks old, chunky girl this one, 85cm main cola is coke can thick

Magnum, 9 weeks old, 85 cm , fattening up

Super Cali Haze, 9 weeks old, this one 1.02m tall. Buds starting to get dense. I think they'll finish before 16 weeks.

AUto Bud Cannon (Shortstuff) , 7 weeks, 61cm

Peace out
I'll do a milk spray on them all anyway, nothing to lose now expect buds to fkn mould. I've sworn alot today lol. Filthy fkn bastard botrytis and fuck me for not spraying a few weeks ago.
Hullo Vas
Would you be so kind as to detail the spray ya use, or I s'pose shoulda used in this case, as a mold preventative.

So much to learn, so few active brain cells.....
Hopefully your weather dries out, that's a shame.

Hey aj, I have awoken to clear skies and a warm sun, the weather dudes have it wrong again LOL. It was only tiny bit, still looking pretty good overall, hopefully that will be all.

Hullo Vas
Would you be so kind as to detail the spray ya use, or I s'pose shoulda used in this case, as a mold preventative.

So much to learn, so few active brain cells.....

Hey older, LOL... I use 1 part milk / 10 part water and foliar spray it on young buds. Once the buds are dense & mature it's too late, best to do it every 10 days from early flowering. some people do up to 3 parts milk. You need to do it in direct sunshine and allow the solution to dry on the buds.
Ok Vas , where did you go wrong , and why do you think the mold started , is it because you had the wrong strains ? , or being where you are, do you have the wrong weather pattern for them . You know this time of year you guys have @#$@ weather and will not get better . :shrug:
Ok Vas , where did you go wrong , and why do you think the mold started , is it because you had the wrong strains ? , or being where you are, do you have the wrong weather pattern for them . You know this time of year you guys have @#$@ weather and will not get better . :shrug:

We basically got 5 days of wet, cool weather & I didn't do a preventative spray like I normally would. It's only 3 small spots on 18 plants so it's not really too bad, just pisses me off LOL. I heard the Hubbabubbas can be a bit mould prone. It is suppossd to be our warm dry period:shrug: . I'll do a milk spray tomorrow anyway, it wont hurt.