Outdoor Vas’ Audacious Auto Attempt, Organic, 40 autos ,5 strains !!!

They all look great, not long now to chop day.

Hey Dingo, cheers man. @dingo Help me.... I've been growing on and off for 20 years (outdoor), never got technical about it, nor bought seeds until the last year or so. always just used local bag seed / given seeds, always started them in late aug / early sept and never saw a preflower till Feb, plants from 6-12ft depending on location. Same this year, but a small crop of autos nearby. two weeks after the autos flowered, my photo started preflowering and are all now into early flowering. people are trying to tell me I dont have enough daylight hours right now for veg. Sorry, with all due respect, I just dont buy that for this time of year and my experience of growing in Aust. From the day they popped, they have had increasing hours, in fact most of their stretching occurred through mid sept-mid oct with shorter days than now. I reckon it's either this chemical release that encourages other nearby plants to ripen, or it's something to do with the highly bred seeds under big light hours that have passed this trait to it's offspring ?
:shrug: frustrated and confused, i am not buying the not enough hours without some further reasonable explanation. I'm all ears Dingo....
Hey vas...I have had some photo plants do just that before up here with a june the 1st. Once I had one of my giant girls remain in preflower throughout the veg state(preflower usually starts mid-late july to early august). For 60 days she kept preflowering and growing. Not sure if its relative to whatever you have going on, but I thought I would share anyways just in case.
Good luck bud, hope it all works out great for you this season.
Hey vas...I have had some photo plants do just that before up here with a june the 1st. Once I had one of my giant girls remain in preflower throughout the veg state(preflower usually starts mid-late july to early august). For 60 days she kept preflowering and growing. Not sure if its relative to whatever you have going on, but I thought I would share anyways just in case.
Good luck bud, hope it all works out great for you this season.

Hmmm interesting 912. My landlord now has bok choy seedlings bolting to head. The season will still be good, long way to go yet
:thumbsup: (it's the chemtrails man, the chemtrails !! lol)
Hey there Vas.:toke:

Just caught upon your thread, looks great man. I have not read about copper and slugs yet. I'll have a look at that today. We always used the beer traps with success. However, as said, that shit gets nasty fast.:nono:

The autos I have going now are my first try at them. Like you for my second order it contained 42 seeds and 5 strains. The more I read about current autos the more I really liked them. Figured I'd just jump in head first.

Thanks for posting that video in my thread. I watched pretty much everything on the emerald cup channel. Some really good stuff in there.:joy: (<<you gotta be happy to do a heel click right?) I'm subbin' in for the rest of this adventure.
Hey Fugz, thanks for the rep ! Yeah the copper tape /wire , whataver.. I'm sold, could not recommend it more. Some people rip on autos, but they have their place for alot of people, I love the fact I can sow in early spring and have buds before xmas. I have never harvested in late spring / early summer so it's very novel at the moment,but with a fair bit of rain & cloud I've had this week and budding plants, I have to slap myself and remind myself it's not autumn LOL. Gonna trail strains and see what works best in my conditions. Good luck to you too Fugz, catch ya soon man
looking good Vas. and you're right on about the Hbss. all I have seen look identical except the rare odd-ball.
The Tail of the Twin Devils....(Big Devil auto XL)

Had one freaky seed sprout 2 seedlings...

one of them quickly outstretched the other...

started to shade out lil sis, so i tied her down....

well well, the worm turned, big sis auto'd, lil sis didn't, lil sis soon became big sis...

week 8 and no sign of sex from new big sis, just stretching like a photo and shading out the budding twin, so i deceided to chop her and give the budding twin the pot to herself. she is of course much smaller & thinner than the other devils....

my loupe is the same diameter as my crappy little camera lens, I put the loupe against it and took some pics, this is what came out LOL..

I snipped a branch of her 2 days ago cause I'm out of buds, that will last me about 2 days and then I think I'll bring her down to keep me in smoke for the next few weeks. Peace out