Indoor Vapo's Dizfunctional Dinafem Diary.

as you know im a bargain whore and i now have feed to last me around 2 years maybe more but just go with what you can afford i used the Lucas formula when i staretd cost me about 25 quid with calmag
Dude, I have heard alot of talk about the Lucas formula but I never found out about it....what is it bro?
A very good question & something which I don't know the answer too!:thumbsup:
So I went and looked it up!:bump:
We both get to learn something from this!!:smoking:
I went to "Grow Guru" A hydro Specialist and copied and pasted this article -

Hydroponics using Lucas Formula
Some don’t get it, others do… Regardless we are here to help you better understand the Lucas Formula.
lucas method with GHE flora micro flora bloom

The Lucas Formula derives from a man named Lucas who participated in online forums for growers who use hydroponics/soil-less growing. His nutrient feeding regime quickly became widely recognised and spread like wild fire. People could see how well his methods were working with less effort being put into his grows yet still receiving the same great results. This formula uses only 2 parts of the General Hydroponics 3 part Flora series which is Micro, Gro and Bloom.
The Lucas Formula using General Hydroponics/EHG’s 3 part System
General Hydroponics/EHG make a 3 part series of nutrients consisting of Micro, Grow and Bloom. These 3 bottles you purchase would normally be used together through out the life cycle of your plant and receive great results if the instructions on the bottle are followed. However, Lucas figured out that you can leave the Gro out of the equation as there is enough nitrogen and all the other nutrients that the plant needs in the Micro that it can be used alone along with Bloom which also saves you from having to buy the Gro in the first place.
So, how does it work?
Your going to mix in 8ml’s of Micro (brown liquid) to 3.78 litres (1 gallon) of water and then mix in 16ml’s of Bloom (pink liquid) and your solution is ready to use. You’re growing in Coco? That changes things a bit. Scroll down a little further, we have covered how to adapt the method if your using Coco as your growing medium as well.
General Hydroponics have two dry nutrients called MaxiBloom and MaxiGro. Its been found that if you use MaxiBloom in the ratio of 7 grams per 3.78 litres (1 gallon) of water, it produces a very similar effect to the original Lucas Formula which we covered above. MaxiGro wouldn’t need to be purchased which makes it an easier and cheaper method to use.
Simply add 7 grams of MaxiBloom into a cup and dissolve it in some warm water and then add it to your 3.78 litres (1 gallon) of water. pH should then be adjusted accordingly once you have properly mixed in your MaxiBloom to ensure the most accurate readings.
Using the Lucas Formula and General Hydroponics FloraNova series
It is the easiest method to use but not as cheap as the Maxibloom. If your using
General Hydroponics FloraNova
FloraNova Bloom 1 part system then mix in 8ml’s of FloraNova to your 3.78 litres (1 gallon) of water and your ready to feed.
The Lucas Formula with Coco Coir as your medium – Head’s Formula
Coco Coir naturally lacks calcium therefore a small amount of Cal-Mag mixed in to your 3.78 litres (1 gallon) of water will help to give the plants all the Calcium and Magnesium that they require before giving them their nutrients in order to get a good balance of exactly what your plant needs.
Alternatively, there is a modified formula that can be used specifically for Coco that uses a different ratio: Mixing 6ml’s of Micro and 9ml of Bloom per 3.78 litres (1 gallon) as well as 1 gram of Epsom Salts.
Both methods work well when using Coco but be sure to use the Head’s Formula if you start noticing any deficiencies whether they are pH or nutrient related.
Low light ratio & Flowering vs. Vegetative State
There is this misunderstanding that you should use 5ml’s of Micro and 10ml’s of Bloom when in vegetative state and then switching to 8ml’s of Micro and 16ml’s of Bloom when in flowering stage. The Lucas Formula ratio has been specifically designed to be used throughout your plants life cycle.
Lucas himself stated that the 0-5-10 ratio was for low light situations such as fluorescent lighting like PL/L (Phillips Lighting) and CFL’s (Compact Fluorescent Lighting), or HID (High Intensity Discharge) lamps less than 400W. The 0-8-16 ratio is meant for medium to high lighting 400W+.
Type of water used with the Lucas Formula
The original formula uses Reverse Osmosis (RO) water and is intended to be used without having to measure the pH and PPM (Parts Per Million). Reverse Osmosis water makes this possible because, in theory, it should be the same for everyone around the world. RO water is filtered water that has been forced through a semi-permeable membrane in order to remove a large majority of contaminates from the water. You can either buy an RO water filtering system or just buy bottled RO water. Alternatively, distilled water will also give great results which can be purchased at most convenience stores in your area. Only have tap water available? We have a look at how to adapt the formula below.
Adapting Lucas Formula for tap water
All you will need to do is make sure that the tap water is pH balanced as tap water differs in pH all around the world. Checking your pH with your meter and keeping it at around 5.8 should be the ideal pH for your plants.
Lucas Formula for your seedlings/cuttings
Cuttings or plants younger than 4 weeks old might not be able to handle a full strength feeding formula and you may need to dilute the nutrient solution before feeding them. However, make sure that you stick with the correct ratio’s when mixing your solution i.e 50% strength would be 4ml’s of Micro and 8ml’s of Bloom or 3.5g of dry MaxiBloom per 3.78 litres (1 gallon).
Using additives with the Lucas Formula
Additives can be incorporated when using the Lucas Formula but try not to introduce them until you have perfected your setup. You need to make sure that there are no deficiencies present and have a good understanding of how your plants like to be fed before introducing additives into the picture. One should rather focus on getting a good quality genetics, have enough light and control the temperature from the very beginning rather than compensating with additives.
@arty zan very well explained i just used the one part floranova and calmag when i first started growing autos i used to watch growpotcheaply utube channel and he used it so that was my go to videos in them scary early days
@arty zan very well explained i just used the one part floranova and calmag when i first started growing autos i used to watch growpotcheaply utube channel and he used it so that was my go to videos in them scary early days
Thank you @St. Tom but it was a copy and paste reply and an education for me too!:thumbsup:
When researching this I noticed there are variations for different hydro substrates, something I will need to return to to find out more!
As I am in coco that is the one which I will be drawn to first.
If I were to try this method I would first have to buy a RO water filter. (why is it there is always a catch lol :rofl:)
I love the way it is universal the world over as long as you have an RO filter, as RO water holds no minerals to upset any measurements.
Being able to not worry about EC and PPM is great.
I think there are journals here at AFN.
However AFN search function is a little bit hit and miss, so as a work around, I go to google and search from there, on whatever thread or journal I am looking for and add "Autoflower Network" at the end. This usually gives me the best results.:woohoo1:
Thank you @St. Tom but it was a copy and paste reply and an education for me too!:thumbsup:
When researching this I noticed there are variations for different hydro substrates, something I will need to return to to find out more!
As I am in coco that is the one which I will be drawn to first.
If I were to try this method I would first have to buy a RO water filter. (why is it there is always a catch lol :rofl:)
I love the way it is universal the world over as long as you have an RO filter, as RO water holds no minerals to upset any measurements.
Being able to not worry about EC and PPM is great.
I think there are journals here at AFN.
However AFN search function is a little hit and miss, so as a work around, I go to google and search from there on whatever thread or journal I a
what ec is your tap water im really lucky mines an 0.2 so its not very far off to water measurement wise also i just supercropped my big monster in my autocreeper thread i will tag you later
what ec is your tap water im really lucky mines an 0.2 so its not very far off to water measurement wise also i just supercropped my big monster in my autocreeper thread i will tag you later
My tap water is 0.3 EC.
I live in a hard water area, which isn't so bad when it comes to possible calcium issues!
I just replied to your autocreeper thread, I'm guessing she is getting Emerald Harvest with her?
Autocreeper is an already large growing strain and Emerald Harvest would surely add to her might and vigor!
Simply put she is a Beast and a beautiful grow!
Hats of to you :toke::joy:
Hello everyone, just some quick pics I took a minute ago........we have two front runners with the 1 and 3 I think?...BK are loving the move back up I think....View attachment 1186287View attachment 1186288View attachment 1186290View attachment 1186291View attachment 1186289
Everything is moving on at quite a pace.
Stout young seedling, looking great!
BK well this is where the show is for me right now!
They have shot up a fair bit! Looks like the defo did it's job nicely!
More power to your elbow, you got it going on in there!:woohoo1::headbang:

Everything is moving on at quite a pace.
Stout young seedling, looking great!
BK well this is where the show is for me right now!
They have shot up a fair bit! Looks like the defo did it's job nicely!
More power to your elbow, you got it going on in there!:woohoo1::headbang:
Thanks bro, I have been thinking about how I grow and really, all I ever really wanted by topping was 2 things, a flat+low canopy as the traditional "xmas tree" shape just doesnt compute for indoor in my mind(just my opinion everyone haha)and the colas spread out so each one can be ventilated properly...I said I was gonna cut the nodes off lower down the stems on these but I cant do it haha..
Thanks bro, I have been thinking about how I grow and really, all I ever really wanted by topping was 2 things, a flat+low canopy as the traditional "xmas tree" shape just doesnt compute for indoor in my mind(just my opinion everyone haha)and the colas spread out so each one can be ventilated properly...I said I was gonna cut the nodes off lower down the stems on these but I cant do it haha..
I'm in total agreement! :hump:
Great minds
However each to their own but it seems we are in agreement in this regard!
I don't want there to be great long arms with a bud on the end, with large internodal distances.
It makes sense if it is really humid climate your growing in , purely for air movement and to stop bud rot.
I also do like to see a nice long cola as it always looks impressive but in the end it just gets reduced to buds for the jar.
Keeping it all equal means you don't have to worry about light getting to the lower part of the plant!
However all that said, It looks like I may end up with some Christmas tree shaped plants this time around, I've been busy and haven't had the time to play so much this time around.
Sometimes it is nice to have a lazy grow, even if harvest may be a little reduced!