Mephisto Genetics US Store Opening Monday, September 13th

Here is the full post regarding the recent tracking and shipping issues.

Posted by Ned_Mephisto from Reddit:


Recent Shipment/Tracking issues

Dear customers and MephHeads alike,

shortly after this Monday opening (20th September) we received a contact message through our site from the Postal Inspection Service.

We can now confirm after speaking to them on Monday evening that roughly (still waiting for proper numbers, but between the non-scanning fiascos and the hold-up, we don't know exactly yet) around 100 orders are being held by USPS. These are not 'seized' per se, let's call them in a state of limbo for now. We can assure you all orders from the last few openings went out no later than 5 days after being placed. So if you haven't received your order yet it is still with USPS!

We have to provide analysis for the seeds, which is currently being undertaken and should have in place within 7 days. It's understood that once they receive this clarification that the packages will be released and can go on their merry way to the final destination.

After shipping seeds in quantity as a company for +7 years and some thousands of orders, this is the first time this has happened in mass.

Let us assure you that we are doing all in our power to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, there are some grey area hurdles to overcome but we are confident we will get there. After all, if we'd been dismayed and given up through the first trying time we encountered, we'd be nothing more than a pipe dream or a twinkle in a stoner's eye.

We have been told that the relevant tracking numbers will update to reflect this new status within the next 48 hours. We know people have been hanging tight already, but we would love it if you could extend a little extra patience now we have some clarity about the matter at hand.

The above applies to certain orders from the first few openings.


For people who ordered just a couple of days back during the Monday 20th opening, we are planning to use alternative shipping services to get your orders to you as soon as possible.

This will involve smaller batches sent over an extended period of time, but hopefully, within two weeks everyone should be sorted.

The shop was already planned to have a two-week closure so we could prepare the new limited release for the first week of October. But now we will just focus 1001% on getting everyone their orders as a first priority and reassess the wider picture as we go.

If anyone from this opening can't wait for their order and would like a refund, we will happily oblige and get you sorted. Just contact us via the contact form.


Just to emphasize we are not at all happy with the situation, all we ever strive to do is get decent beans in your hands for a fair price with a minimal amount of stress.

However, it often seems we are in one step forward, two steps back situation.


Any updates, we will give you as they come.


The MG Team. X
I would definitely take a refund and be done with this mess. Plus, who knows what conditions those seeds have been exposed to, they could be ruined.
I would definitely take a refund and be done with this mess. Plus, who knows what conditions those seeds have been exposed to, they could be ruined.
The statement does say you can request a refund through their contact form if you do not want to wait. They are pretty transparent about that.
If anyone from this opening can't wait for their order and would like a refund, we will happily oblige and get you sorted. Just contact us via the contact form.

What contact form? On Reddit or their website?Thx.
Hey guys. Another update from Ned posted on Reddit:


Update - Recent Shipment/Tracking issues

Hello guys,

we realize the 'Seized by law enforcement' status in red is potentially alarming.

When we made the last big update, we had no idea what the tracking would reflect, we just spoke to the US PIS and ask that they finally scan in/update them so we could tell how many people were affected.

We can only assume they don't have a custom status on their system to say 'held whilst waiting for certificates of analysis', and what they updated with was the closet thing.

How talking towe kind of got the impression they were hoping to snap something else, and now their lumberedthey're boxes of our packages in the office.

Our beans are being tested as we write this, so the wheel is in motion to the outcome everyone wants.

Hopefully, that clarifies a little further and puts some people's minds at rest.

As soon as we have any further information we will pass it on.

Cheers, and we really appreciate the kind words from many of you.

The MG team. X
No updates on interaction with USPS??
They’ve gone silent. I guess they’ve got their hands full with the pending EU/World store opening on top of the US store mess. I did get my order refunded. It still shows “Awaiting Item” in the USPS system though. Lol.