Mephisto Genetics US Store Opening Monday, September 13th

That's not on Meph though, brotha. That is on their new distribution partner to make sure they're good to go. But Meph won't throw them under the bus, they're taking the pie to the face on this one. I mean, they did hire them, but still, that is on distribution.
Yeah, you’re absolutely right. When I said Mephisto I did mean the guys running that specific store operation. Shit happens, it’s a tricky business I imagine. But I’m hoping for them to have great success in the long run.
“Maybe their post office flagged them cus they never received that many packages to send out before.”
Seems the Fed is trying to create supply chain issues everywhere.
I imagine this new team came in cock strong and thinking this will be a cake walk lol But they had similar web issues and now this... Growing pains is right, They refunded everyone today from that drop who was affected. Now I just got one pack and that was $53 or something like that with shipping. So imagine the money being refunded for people who got one of everything. If / Once cleared, I am sure customers will get those seeds but them not making us wait is a classy act. They are not some huge business so I wish they had a means to give back the money once received. But I guess I will have to do that one drop at a time with future orders.