Indoor UnholyFire's Multi Strain Test Grow

Hi friends. Had 6 out of 10 germ so far. 3 purple mazar, 2 dr. feelgood and 1 snow white. Prepared my pots with some small pea gravel and 1 or 2 larger stones in the bottom for drainage. Why this way you may ask, it's the way my grandmother did every plant she potted. It was not mmj but all her stuff grew great!
Each pot was watered with proper ph'd rain water then left to drain for a hour. Seeds were then planted and fitted with plastic wrap and 6 or so tiny holes pokes in it. Pots were labeled and placed in the cab 2 to 3 inches from the lights.
This technique has worked on all my other grows so stick with it. I will have to put what ever else that germs in my trusty 22oz cups as i'm limited to space. Had to move everything to the lights instead of lowering the lights. I have a 15inch blue himalaya in the back than needs a few more days. I think that covers is. Till next time:peace:


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Pulled up a chair , and sending some good growing karma.
Looking forward to the Purple Mazar and Dr Feelgood(I have some free seeds of DFG yet to try).
Hi friends. Internet been off for a bit. Pay for 12meg and only get'n 1.5meg at best now thats back on
I'll get some pics up when the lights come back on. 12 hours after the first 6 germed last 4 seeds had still never cracked
I've had this problem before on other grows. Seeds turn dark and never crack. I put them in soil just in case Out of the 6 that germed and planted 2 have broke ground
Hi friends. Well 3 up and 3 nothing. One is just empty seed hull with dead matter in it, another has a mm of tap root out and looks to be dying, and last one has green but still in seed shell and looking bad. The 3 that are up look great. I dropped 6 more seeds in to soak. 1 SW 1 DFG & 4 BH, these will go in jiffy pucks and under a light in the jiffy starter kit. Worked good one time for me before. The last four seeds that never cracked in the beginning are still in a pot and still nothing. Nothing to worry about :D:toke::peace:


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I know mine took a beating trying to shake the husk. They all came up with a helmet. One lost part of a new leaf etc. And we pre-soak---those shells ought to be more pliable--one would think.
uf, the same thing happened to me! and alan i see., i lucked out using surgery with hemostats, to save my girls! germ karma your way:wiz: the ones still in the pot, any hope??
uf, the same thing happened to me! and alan i see., i lucked out using surgery with hemostats, to save my girls! germ karma your way:wiz: the ones still in the pot, any hope??
I dont think so but i moved them to a closet with 2 25w bulbs just in case. No problem, i have 3 purple mazar looking good. I put the 1 DFG & 1 SW in pucks along with 4 BH.


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Hi buds. My PM is growing nice. The re-do on DG & SW are looking good. The DFG is above soil and looks to be a crack in the SW. I went ahead and dropped one more DFG and another SW in a soak just for good cause. Thanks for dropping by :D:peace:


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i like baby pics!:dance:let the fantasy begin!!:buds: