Those cookies in cups are fab! Your cookie pics are what helped me to decide to pop those next, so Ty and fingers crossed mine will do half as well.
Today's dilemma: pop 2 x Alaskan Purple that Seedsman sent as freebies or pop my last none free seeds, Mephisto Northern Cheese Haze. I'm trying not to buy more seeds till I've run out, but it's tempting. I know if I pop the Mephistos I'll want to order some more
Ahhhh the lure of new beans lol im the same m8.. have to keep it under control.. have enough beans now to do me until black Friday at a rate of one new germination every 10 days.. hoping for some good deals to pile into when black Friday hits!! I like to stock up when their half price 4/20 this year was totally woeful mind u.. suppose the pandemic may have had an effect although I cant think why.. hardly any deals to be had this year.. 4/20 and BF are the big ones for me as far as buying seeds goes.