Anyone else noticed that a lot of the seed banks are out of stocks on certain varieties? I can’t get Bruce banner or blue dream anywhere. Anything by Humboldt and Anesia are hard too come by too
What breeder is brain damage from? Looks like its tasty wish this was a smellyvision
Hello nelly growers choice is the breeder it is fcking strong i have got very high tolerance and just had a smoke smashed my head to bits well worth growing if you like getting smashed
What did you end pulling? She looks very pretty
I'm giving her the chop tomorrow evening, I just went to check on her and she's looking/smelling good.:jointman: She's bigger than the Lemon Kix I did for 13z so I'm hopeful. :thumbsup:
I'm giving her the chop tomorrow evening, I just went to check on her and she's looking/smelling good.:jointman: She's bigger than the Lemon Kix I did for 13z so I'm hopeful. :thumbsup:
Cheers for the points
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Reactions: DOA
I'm giving her the chop tomorrow evening, I just went to check on her and she's looking/smelling good.:jointman: She's bigger than the Lemon Kix I did for 13z so I'm hopeful. :thumbsup:
Dry weight?!!!?