Mephisto Genetics Tyrone Special F1

Heya Gang!
Hope the week has been treating everyone well. :cheers::pass:

So far the stink has begun on the tyrone. The sweet, pine, pepper aroma is just killer. The trichs are coming in full force now. So much bud sites everywhere. She is doing mighty fine. And just looking so delicious!
The mystery girls are doing awesome as well. The run is fully into flowering now. Her pistils are kinda small; but then again look at the size of her. She got a bit of a haircut this feeding; She had started to cover up some of the lower sites. She has taken a sweeter smell on her site; her colour is really nice, and the fans are really long; they didn't get to wide. I am thinking this is gonna be a nice uplifting smoke. Now for the young-uns. I have gone ahead this week and FIMM'd one, and have started both them on their pigtail-LST, and leaf tucking. Not much smell from the young-uns yet but I think in another 14 days we are gonna have a real stink fest. :pighug: 'em piggies gonna grow up so fast; And love to make a stink

anyways; Lets get on with the photo op!

Tyrone Special [Day 42]
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Mystery Beans [day19]
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Lastly, the runt [day33]
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Thanks for stopping in!


Cheers deadly
Beautiful!!! You're gonna love the tyrone special when you smoke it. Lovely, funky, and stanky amazingness all rolled into one bud.
Heeeeey Gang!! :vibe:

Figured I would give a bit of an update this weekend. Things are geared up in the stink department! haha. The Tryone is kicking offf her scent of pine and sweeet pepper, the first mystery runt has hit flowering and is giving off this intense sweet grape fruit smell. Her coating of resin and trichs is amazing; She has stretched so tall in the past few weeks compared to her humble beginnig. I have had to defoil and a lot more on her as she kept covering the buds. The main cola got covered during the veg stage too much, so it is pretty small, and the two side cola's inside are casuing even more shadows, hah her will to live is awsome. Can't wait to taste that smoke!
The other young-uns are doing super! Its hilarious as one is defintiely a stinker earthy dankness right now, and has decided to start piling on the branches on top of each other around day 23. The other sister is a lot bigger a lot more stretch. Some of the branches there are how 4-5 colas each. I think she's gonna be a beast! The smell has yet to start on her; or its so weak compared to the others in the space and hard to distinguish, also she feels still in veg/stretch mode, more so than her sister.

@MissUniverse Yeaaaaa!! I can't believe here we are at day 46 and thing are so large. I wonder if she will really be done for day 60 like yours. So many cola's so far. She is my biggest and best auto so far!

So lets get on with the photo updates! :toke:

Mystery runt bean! My grapey Queen!


Tyrone Special at day 46

I didn't grab any photos of them young-uns. :crying: stay tuned for a quick photo update in a bit with them.

thanks for stopping by! :spels:
Well Gang its Monday! Update time! :pass:

Welp damn it all the tyrone. That tyrone! I had an inkling i was either doing some pH excessive lowering or low feed. Think it was a wee bit of both. But regardless Tyrone Spec is doing fine. Just found a crunchy leaf today and saw some more self-sacrifice of the older fans. The Fangs been out at me for a few weeks; but she's hanging on strong. I saw some of the run off today and it was pretty clear! woo! So I assume its all related to lack of feed. hehe! Kinda cheaping out on her with teh food..... Though I can see a few more pistils maturing here at day 49; we are looking for another 14 days till finish. So a few more feeds then we are on to straight water.

The mystery young-uns are doing well, both have stretched past the 12" mark and are day 26. Major difference so far is the height, stem width, fan width, amount of nodes created, smell and day of flowering. hahah Day 24/25 and the smaller fatter broader leafed lady decided it was time to start putting pistils out, and stopped all vertical stretch. However, She's got 8 cola's under neath the top two braches and main top cola. I did some fanleaf defoil' today and hope that keeps those outter bottom cola's growing. The more long leafed sister has about 18 cola's right now. All the lower branches got major stretch and popped out cola's during their growth, as well as help from my major LST and defoil; and WOW did they start to put out some smells. Earthiness so far, just waiting for that change over the next little while.





Tyrone Buds & Self Sacrifice fans!


heh! live and learn with these ladies! :cools:

Thanks for stopping in!
Well Gang!

Had some issues in teh garden.. dead mother plants and deciding the project needs a new mother starting point. Oh well! Onward with with the mephisto ladies and upcoming comp! The tyrone has been making her buds and stinking up the tent like mad! you know how it does; pepper funk, coffee, everything you could ever want outta your lady! The purpling has been awesome to wittness. I would love to run her longer than 65 days; but my headstash is running short. So tomorrow morning I will make the call if she's gets another 12hrs or not. I decided to kill my mother and focus more energy on my f2s and stabalizing for a better starting point so far 3 are doing well; all of them are around the 6th node growth. Will be flipping that tent over in a few days. I expect to top all 3 within 72hrs.

The biggest changes are with teh two later young-uns; They completely diverged their life cycle around day 26. The long sativa leaf lady has streatched well into 2.5 ft tall; She's a monster to be honest; She has been given my most agressive defoil along her veg way;; rather stay ahead of the leaf development than deal with it later during flower with all that sugar on them; at day 33/34 she finally entered into flower; though that stretch is still lingering. The stretch threw me off on her feed requrement, so she got a bit yellow on me before, i got that undercontrol and added a bit more. Damn mytserymix! suffer though; I was unaware of how a CalMg def coudl spread so fast. Her nose I can't tell right now, with the runt in full flower, tyrone just finishing and the grape young girl 10 days ahead in her cycle I think she got masked out; There is some noticable purpling on the main stalk and some of the fanleaf stems.
As for Her smaller broad leafed sister that started to flower around 24. She has been rocking away; the lower canopy is so damn impressive with great spacing on teh bud sites, the pistils are so thick and huge, her stems are thick so I expect some fat buds in the next few weeks to show up. She has this dank sweet grape scent on her nose. That nose seems to be changing now though.

So here are some photo updates of the Tyrone (Day 64) and the Mystery [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Runt (Day 55)



Mystery Runt


Its a frosty gang in there! I don't have any new pics of the two younger mystery beans. Will upload some later tomorrow when I get the tyrone chopped and removed from the tent.

Cheers all! Looking forward to these flowers!
Hey Gang!

The lack of updates must be rectified! haha! Welp the truth be told; them bastard thrips, made their home of my cannabis plants. So I have been in a fight there for a while; Helping the ladies build up their sunscreen/bugscreen trichcome coverage. I can safely say Tyrone Special was soo far along before them thrips found her; and she had a natural immunity! She was cut down a few weeks ago. Her dry weight was around ~75-80 grams. I snuck a few buds while they were drying. It was a bloody tease seeing her hung up all nice. So she's been a real treat to have around. The berry pepper coffee earthness is on a heck of a treat. Here are a few shots of the cured Tyrone spec buds! Looking forward to being able to grow the rest of the beans.

Her effects are very painkiller but not too narcotic! So shes a nice companion for the day. Tastes great and just lets your body be free of all those aches. @MissUniverse I totally get now why you want this plant only in your garden! She is one of the best plants Ive ever seen, smelt or smoked!

Thanks @mephisto this was a real treat to grow out and now even better to have in the headstash!
@Lizardking Thanks man! she is a real beauty! I would urge anyone looking for a non narc pain killer to grow that lady! it's been hard not to wanna over indulge in her! the flavour is beyond! and its so addicting.

But I do have some more to share! the big mystery sativa girl! cutting time for her today! she is amazing and reeks of fruitty pebbles! its been a lil cold as fall sets in so she has taken on some purple to show me her reaction to such extremes from day to night. #In_Meph_we_Trust
@Lizardking Thanks man! she is a real beauty! I would urge anyone looking for a non narc pain killer to grow that lady! it's been hard not to wanna over indulge in her! the flavour is beyond! and its so addicting.

But I do have some more to share! the big mystery sativa girl! cutting time for her today! she is amazing and reeks of fruitty pebbles! its been a lil cold as fall sets in so she has taken on some purple to show me her reaction to such extremes from day to night. #In_Meph_we_Trust
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Smashing it.:headbang: Real :nicethread:

Smashing it.:headbang: Real :nicethread:


Thanks dude! Appreciate that! She made them monster nugs, damn the new light setup is killer around here, 4 autocobs and the P300 are my killer combo! I had expected her to go 70-75 days coz of how tall she had got but then today i was taking photos and of all the new growth; then realized how amber she got on me!! Now she's hanging out to dry! Hang tight for some weight next week.

I should pop up some pics of those grapey buds! I forgot to take photos of the harvest day, last weekend, so its unfortunate I don't have pics of her finished as a whole plant; but the buds are so intensely covered in white trichomes and her scent is so grape-y, the next day my grinder just smells of fruit!