Mephisto Genetics Multiple Mephisto grow... F1's & artisinals

Days 61 for mbap#1, sour stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], and Gold Glue.
The sour stomper, and gold glue have begun the flush.
Using Cyco Kleanse.
The mbap is only getting mammoth p, and roots organic soul swell, mainly a molasses brew. Noticeably swelling up buds with lots of oils...
The sour stomper [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], and Sourhound x n.c.h are both at day 58. The sour stomper is getting mammoth p, and soul swell.
The Sourhound x n.c.h is getting CX hydroponics mighty bloom and head masta bloom enhancers, along with mammoth p...
Last but not least is mbap [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], a more 3bog leaning pheno. She is also getting CX hydroponics bloom enhancers with mammoth p.
I've decided next grow and nutrients restock of running full CX hydroponics, Cyco full line, or Heavy 16.
Will probably come down to price. All those three work fantastic if used correctly. With autoflower.
All ladies doing well. Anticipating a couple harvests this week.
Will update with detailed pics at cut. Peace til then
So had an accident with sour stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] plant. Took a fall from counter in grow room as i was maneuvering plants around. Half medium came out. And main stem cracked. So Just took her. Day 63. Already tons of cloudy. These ladies do really mature alot faster than i initially thought. Luckily this was the much smaller, fluffier plant than her now 60 day old sister. Whom is much bigger, way denser. And if possible frostier than her unlucky slightly older sister. Also 5 foot plus in only two gallons soil.
The 63 day old girl just never really got it. Her sister is doing it in every category. But this gal stayed airy. But would like to bring up fact she probably got a third less light. So would say probably overfed her for light watts she was getting.
Still some A grade headstash.
Ridiculous resin coverage.
Seriously trichs per mm is absurd. Hell even on my shitty camera you can expand, and see frost level.
And some of the sweetest terps ive ever smelt.
So this girl will be pressed. Even most of the fans have visible trichs. Live rosin material.
Will keep the younger sister for those prized flowers shes maturing right now.
Wont be a third the yield her younger sis is gonna give.
But again A+ quality
Gold Glue day 65, cut.
These babies are solid, oozing oils, covered in trichs.
And fast!!!
Predominantly cloudy, with low percentage of amber.
Got 8 more of these babies. Can't wait to grow Mephisto Genetics with autocobs.
Anyway Gold Glue day 65 harvest
Very nice harvests!! :woohoo:

Sour Stomper is one of my fav mephistos so far. And a very nice fella on here just gifted me some gold glues! :woohoo1: :vibe:

Nice growing! :vibes:
Yeah I've got a big mama sour stomper still to go. At day 62 today. She is ripening fast. Started flush with Cyco Kleanse. Which really brakes down excess salts. And helps metabolize any remaining nutrients.
Anyway that sour stomper is just amazing quality.
These Gold Glues ladies are really great. I really stretched my lighting with plant number this round. These babies are gonna have PHAT harvests with correct watts.
And the quality is what you would expect from a gg#4 x grape crinkle. Then mated to a 24 carat.
Good luck with those gold glues. They are vigorous hybrids
And sour stomper plant [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is cut today at 66 days.
She reached 5'7 feet tall. In a 2 gallon pot. In Potters Gold soil. Base nutrients were Sensi bloom a+b, heavy 16 enhancers, mammoth p, and some proteKt.
She has a very deep aroma. Not as grapey of a pheno as her sister. Almost a lemon chemy pungent aroma. That could all change in cure.
Any sour crack ive grown have taken somewhat longer to cure.
Wondering how sour stomper will fare.
I mean this shits LOUD!!!
High grade quality across the board.
Can't wait to sample hehe...
Just can't see her being anything short of amazing.
Sour Stomper harvest , day 66
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Got some dry weight totals.
Gold Glue- 42grams, now in jars.
Sour Stomper #1- smaller grapey pheno- 26grams.
Waiting on Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] to finish drying. But should almost triple plant [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] yield...
So just finishing last few. Also putting my 400watt metal halide for last week or so of maturation. Two mbap, one at 69 days, one at 60 days.
The 69 day plant is the biggest plant ive ever grown. At almost 70days shes still packing on the weight.
Should clear 3+ounces. If i would have used bigger pot, and more lighting, who knows how big she would of gotten. Only 2gallon pot!!! The Sourhound x n.c.h is at day 66-67, she was mostly grown under the 150w hps. So she is smaller statured. But packed with tight, oily, crystal covered, stinky cheesy, chemy goodness!!!
Going to love going at this cross with a bigger pot, and enough light power...
Going to start planting for next grow. Should have autocobs by end of first week of October. So they won't be under hid for long. And what time they are will be metal halide.
Hps works just fine for vegging. But truth told there is to much stretch, and stem with vegging with hps.
So first week will be under mh.
Then that awesome 3500k spectrum with cobs. With double grape, grape crinkle, and more sour stomper, the grape grow lol, will be a very frosty christmas.
Will post more pics next update.
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And sour stomper plant [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is cut today at 66 days.
She reached 5'7 feet tall. In a 2 gallon pot. In Potters Gold soil. Base nutrients were Sensi bloom a+b, heavy 16 enhancers, mammoth p, and some proteKt.
She has a very deep aroma. Not as grapey of a pheno as her sister. Almost a lemon chemy pungent aroma. That could all change in cure.
Any sour crack ive grown have taken somewhat longer to cure.
Wondering how sour stomper will fare.
I mean this shits LOUD!!!
High grade quality across the board.
Can't wait to sample hehe...
Just can't see her being anything short of amazing.
Sour Stomper harvest , day 66
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Very nice man! That stomper is a cracker! And 5'7' tall :crying:

Bang on time at 66 days as well! Sour Stomper has to be one of the most consistent/stable autos around. Reckon you've got more than you think there off SS#2 dude - my first one was 110g dry plus a "little" smokeage during chop/dry :jointman: