Mephisto Genetics Multiple Mephisto grow... F1's & artisinals

The first week of October we will be placing our order with Timber grow lights for a
400watt Vero29v7 cob unit, on 3×3 framework. Sufficient for 3×3 to 3.5×3.5....
Im so stoked... all the amazing grows im seeing with these cob setups is insane.. the trich production alone is out of this world...
Finally will have a light that can do these amazing genetics justice... not complaining about these 400w hid's... they really have done me well. Still i would really like to grow more than a couple plants at a time. I always overgrow my area, and lighting...
Now we will have a light that can pull 6-9 plants to full potential....
Next grow is gonna be fun....
Anyone have any experience or thoughts on mixing hid with cobs???
Just thinking maybe during full blown bloom having a little extra hid in the schedule... since ive got um....
Lol. Very happy growers here
Well the day 52 girls are seeming to be slowing down their ravenous feeding. Ive noticed at this point in flower they slow down for a couple days gathering momentum to really push out the buds.... both Gold Glues are just filling out the swell. Their aroma is pungent...
The 52 day Sour Stomper is starting to fill out her buds sites with the frostiest best sweetest gorgeous smelling nugs... so excited about this strain..
52 day old Man Bear Alien Pig is really filling out her buds.. can't wait to grow this strain again with 5.5gallon oxypot and my new lights im getting next month... i believe this plant would've yielded 5+ oz with the space, and light. Can notice both parents...
The Sourhound x n.c.h has just really finished her stretch at day 49, Starting to build her buds now.. only grew her in a 1.5gallon oxypot. But she grew to 90+cm... she has that old school skunky, pungent, DANK smell... really like her.. cant wait to grow her out again with bigger pot...
And at day 49 as well sour stomper [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]...
This lady is 150+cm tall. The most sativa dominant hybrid ive ever grown. Like her slightly older sister, shes putting on the highest quality buds ive encountered... i will be braking in my cobs next month with a grape crinkle, double grape, and sour stomper grow... should be a frost festival!!!
Well will do more pics next week. As usual Mephisto Genetics pretty much growing themselves.
Sour Stompers days 54,&51
The plant on left is 54 days, and taller girl is 51 days.
Both have a strong sweet fruity hygrade aroma starting to really build character. In fact the shorter lady has smaller everything, but probably the most exquisite cannabis smell ive encountered.
Still don't see these ladies finishing under 80 days.
Totally going to be worth extra time though.
Been talking to Big Smo from cobshop.
Man he has layed some education seriously on my head. These cobs are going to have a learning curve. But fortunately I believe studying what this cat has to say is totally worth doing.
Knowledge sharing is what has taken this cannabis thing to the level its reaching.
Thats why AFN is the best cannabis forum ive found...
All about that dank, and KNOWLEDGE!#!!!
Sour Stompers days 54&51
Sour Stompers days 54,&51
The plant on left is 54 days, and taller girl is 51 days.
Both have a strong sweet fruity hygrade aroma starting to really build character. In fact the shorter lady has smaller everything, but probably the most exquisite cannabis smell ive encountered.
Still don't see these ladies finishing under 80 days.
Totally going to be worth extra time though.
Been talking to Big Smo from cobshop.
Man he has layed some education seriously on my head. These cobs are going to have a learning curve. But fortunately I believe studying what this cat has to say is totally worth doing.
Knowledge sharing is what has taken this cannabis thing to the level its reaching.
Thats why AFN is the best cannabis forum ive found...
All about that dank, and KNOWLEDGE!#!!!
Sour Stompers days 54&51
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Mate don't bet on those stompers going to 80 days! I have grown two, and both times they seemed to stall at around 50 or so days like you mention above. And then both of them just went fookin absolutely mental for two weeks! Never seen anything mature so quickly! I think the first was chopped at 65 days and the second at 68! Amazing stuff.

Mind you they were under cobs, which I personally believe finish plants faster. But they def do that "stall" followed by madness. Hold on tight dude!

Mate don't bet on those stompers going to 80 days! I have grown two, and both times they seemed to stall at around 50 or so days like you mention above. And then both of them just went fookin absolutely mental for two weeks! Never seen anything mature so quickly! I think the first was chopped at 65 days and the second at 68! Amazing stuff.

Mind you they were under cobs, which I personally believe finish plants faster. But they def do that "stall" followed by madness. Hold on tight dude!

That would be lovely. However long they take its nice.. my mbap which is just now coming outta that 50day stall, is really swelling now...
Btw im getting a cob setup next month.
I was looking into a vero rig at 400watts. Thank goodness Big Smo schooled me on overkill lol... so looking at a cree 200watt setup from Timber, and a couple autocobs from cobshop...
Any learning curve advice coming from hps would be super appreciated @hippy71 . What is your setup?
How many can you run with what you have???
That would be lovely. However long they take its nice.. my mbap which is just now coming outta that 50day stall, is really swelling now...
Btw im getting a cob setup next month.
I was looking into a vero rig at 400watts. Thank goodness Big Smo schooled me on overkill lol... so looking at a cree 200watt setup from Timber, and a couple autocobs from cobshop...
Any learning curve advice coming from hps would be super appreciated @hippy71 . What is your setup?
How many can you run with what you have???

Honestly you will be shocked by the way the sour stompers go! Take a pic today and one in a week and compare!! :d5:

At the moment I am using an "interim" 200w DIY Citizen system, but I also use a 250w DIY system in a 4ft x 3ft tent with 6 plants. I use 200w in my 3x3 tent and that is plenty! I got 410g from the first grow with 200w. In the 3x3 at the moment I'm only using 100w to veg 4 plants! Cobs are insane.
Honestly you will be shocked by the way the sour stompers go! Take a pic today and one in a week and compare!! :d5:

At the moment I am using an "interim" 200w DIY Citizen system, but I also use a 250w DIY system in a 4ft x 3ft tent with 6 plants. I use 200w in my 3x3 tent and that is plenty! I got 410g from the first grow with 200w. In the 3x3 at the moment I'm only using 100w to veg 4 plants! Cobs are insane.
I agree. Cobs are the way of the future for growing.
Im late to the party so to speak. Have really just recently started looking into them.
Im upgrading next month. And i really wanted to get away from the expense of hid...
And with all the amazing work I'm seeing these cobs do, well kinda sell themselves. Frost levels alone.
I overgrow my lights. Im only running 550w, one 400, one 150, of hps.
And its damn near 175.00 a month to run, inc a.c and fans. We get upto 235.00 in summer months.
Diy is definitely wa to go. But until i educate myself a little more. Im ordering pre made lol...
Cannot wait brother!!!!
Wanna drop a quick update on these Gold Glues.
At day 56 they are coming along wonderfully. And starting to ripen. I believe 24carat really kept these babies on autopilot. No issues at all. I do have a small 6inch fan trained on the cola of gold glue plant 1, due to her girth.
My camera sucks. And really won't do her any justice. Her cola leaves are looking like they have a dried layer of glue on them, from frost being so thick.
I imagine the straight ggg#4 cross is going to be something special. Still glad i didn't miss this hybrid cross....
Day 56, Gold Glue
Man Bear Alien Pig, day 58..
Wanted to give this lady her own update.
She has essentially grown herself.
Since her stretch, she has taken every bit of feed in ravenous fashion.
The 3bog i just grew ate the same way.
This lady would've easily bested 5+oz, had she had enough light.
Really can't wait to grow her out again with more lighting, and a bigger pot size., as this girl is only in 2gallons of soil.
The aroma is intoxicating, and these buds are really getting denser by the day.
Man Bear Alien Pig, day 58