As long as I have WiFi home and wherever I'm at I can monitor it. And if the WiFi goes out it still logs data and when the WiFi comes back on it uploads it to the app. Also I set ranges were if it goes above of below what I set it sends me alerts. I can look at the log graph over days to weeks to months and to years.
Thats sound awesome!
Have you tried logging into it from outside your home?
It sounds like it must use a IOT framework where it pushes the data and stores everything in the cloud.
Yea it works I went to town which is 20 miles away and it worked and I called my wife to read my manual gauges in the room to make sure it was accurate and it was dead on. Idk how it holds the data if it's internal or what but ima turn the WiFi off and make sure that function works as well.
My grow room buddy. He comes out from under the tent when I feed my plants and I feed him any bugs I find. He's getting pretty big he was just a baby when I first saw him lol.
The white crack is sooooooo sticky it's a pain in the ads to handle. My girl scouts getting the flush which shouldnt take long in her 1 1/2 gallon pot. I'm still impressed with her for the size pot. I planted this plant to see what i could get out of a smaller pot and am def. Happy with the results.
My grow room buddy. He comes out from under the tent when I feed my plants and I feed him any bugs I find. He's getting pretty big he was just a baby when I first saw him lol.View attachment 1006285
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