True that on the handles. I got a few my pics around too. Lots will pull right out or just wont post once you say you want the growers name. 420 and high times will add your name if they like your pics.
Yea exact same thing here they ask for my photos and i insert my name into it and give it to them and then they ask for it without my handle so I say no. How's that fair I'm giving them free advertisement the least they can do is the same. I put alot of time and training into my babies I should at least get some credit ya know.
Update on the ladies. Their getti g there and looking promising. The pics were taken while they were sleeping so thats why the droopyness .it's getting hard keeping them trained but it will pay off. Veg is where you make or break the grow in my opinion. Flowering is way easier.
Very excited for the girl scout she looks to be the same phenotype I had last time but she's bigger and has more bud sites. Their gonna be monsters come end of flower.
Ok here's a couple of the ladies the short thick one that's full is looking great. I know it looks messy but that's goons look great once she stretches. The GSC is coming into flower and looks like shes gonna be a he'll of a plant and the two taller suckerpunchs are getting there to. I'm training them best I can with the amount of time I have. Looking good for now. And the white cracks just unreal dence and sticky. And the one in the rockwool I snapped her in half by accident but gave her a nice dose of b12 to help her and it actually triggered a growth response and she's looking ok thank god.
The glue is officially flowering thank God! And I cut down the Stunted bubba kush from last round. She came out good despite being stunted. The glues gonna be a BEAST! She's got a he'll of a stump and is in great health and stature for a killer flowering period. Can't wait to see her mature.
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