Dinafem Tx Mark does the Dinafem 2 step

Curiosity, is there a way for us to create a group of homies that we can tag w/o doing individually?
not that i know of but tagging 5 names or so takes seconds also when we have full-on battles people need to watch the alerts for updates etc and if they're getting loads they may miss important ones
Ya I didn’t know was so many but also had no clue who would know but wound up figuring was N before anyone responded and added little liquid fish to my water for today! Thanks tho @St. Tom and my bad bro! Also thanks everyone else who jumped in quick! :thanks:
Okey dokey it’s Monday and time for an update! Pics were taken last night when I wound up watering a tad late! Both are coming along but cbd kush is def in the home stretch! Just a matter of swelling til she’s no longer thirsty! Only on day 64 so not like it’s been a long ass grow and not finished up yet!
Cookies Auto @day 63 1/2:oops1:

CBD Kush auto @day 63.5 also
Crazy purple flowers on cbd kush I wasn’t expecting at all! Cookies is moving a little slower but it also had way more secondary satellites popping off so more flowers to bulk up hence moving slower! Won’t be too much longer and 1st of the 2 will be chopped so be back with update soon!
:pass: qqq while I’m gone so keep em lit
CBD Kush auto @day 63.5 also

Got to count those half day's :crying:

Have you got a scope to check trichome colour out my friend?

DinaMed CBD Kush Auto is super close in my humble opinion :pass:

Auto Cookies still looks to have a few weeks left :thumbsup:

Keep the updates coming as harvest approaches :cheers:

All the best :bong:

Yup the cbd kush is getting plain water for a few days (prob like 3) and then chopping! Don’t have good way to get those up close macro shots but here was what I got few days ago!
Seeing only a few clear there about 4 days ago so figured week would do it! Thank u sir cuz was def looking done to me to except maybe lil more swelling but I did screw up and forget to do any teas this round so it got N def during a crucial timein flowering so prob won’t get as thick as I want! :thumbsup:
Ok checked with the scope and looks done for sure! No waiting a week anymore as planned! Going to put her in the dark tonight and chop her Sunday night! Here’s what I could get with iPhone camera!
CBD Kush @day 67

Looking done to me now too so @Dinafem-Mark thank u sir! Was gonna let it wait a lil longer but the time has come I do believe!:woohoo1: