New Grower Two Tangerine Dream in a tent

Day 37ish? When does day 1 actually start!?!

Well folks, the girls got a pretty big haircut TD2 last night and TD1 today. Doesn't seem to have affected them poorly, I can see already and they sure can breathe now!

Also had to do some reorganization in the tent. Took down the wall to put in the heater, it's getting down to 66f during their night regularly now so it's a must have. Need to figure out a way to regulate it on the inkbird properly tho, putting the exhaust on 'cool' fails to turn on at night at all resulting in low temps and super high humidity. New too big filter attached to the too big fan, but the other fan / filter I have is too small. Ah well...

Pics to follow later this evening...
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Yeah big fan is great but even dialed down its too much without the filter. After midweek rebuild and putting the oil heater in things have really come around.

Temps stablized at 74-75deg day, same at night. (When new inkbird arrives will be doing 70-72deg nights)
RH is pretty much steady at 41% now without the humidifier

Rez was up to 7 this morning, and was nearly dry. Refilled at 6.2, will feed again midweek with another 5L/1.5gal this week at 6.2 to see how it goes. If all is good, may start putting 20L in the rez to cover the increased thirstyness of these two.

Also did a TON of defol on both this week. They've each lost at least a 1/2 pound of leaves. Stretch, is now in full effect and I'm tempted to setup my screen soonish. I can finally get under the canopy, so here's some upskirts so y'all can see just how bushy they are :D

Apologies for the blurple, didn't wanna turn off the light again.

Pretty even canopy - Think I can fill the space with BUDS?!

TD2 Underbrush

TD1 Underbrush

Today's clipping pile....

And a prize fan leaf for the book/press :D

As always, comments, thoughts, and advice always welcome. Happy growing everyone!
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If they were mine. I would be defoliating to give as many budsites as possible direct access to lights. When they stretch, I would want as many potential shoots as possible.

Wow, that’s quite the jungle you got going there! That’s an amazing amount of tops on such short plants.:thumbsup: I’m also in the defoliation camp with @Pigskinfantasy. A little thinning will probably be good in the long run.

I agree with them as well, try taking out some of the unnecessary lower stuff and clear out as much space as you can now. You can strip them down pretty low and in one week they will come back strong bro. They look very healthy and loving the environment you made for them.

Keep up the good work bro! Very nice job on the training too. The canopy will be nice for sure. Expose as many bud sites as possible...

Not to mention air flow also. They need to breathe. She will thank you for sure. All that lower fan leaves, and really almost 40 percent could be removed. Clean them out and the girls will reward you.:vibe::vibe:

@Pigskinfantasy, @wes, @MedCzech, Thanks fellas! I'm surprised they didnt get taller before branching went crazy myself! I did a lot of leaf tucking and pretty minimal training (just widend/opened the canopy after preflower) on my last run, which was my first auto ever so I was hesitant to induce any stress. I've done a lot of high stress/micro and bonsai mothers with photos a decade ago, but with these as only my second run ever with autos - so I'm still a noob on this side of the fence. It seems to me tho, that autos are just as open to training as any photo I've done - I clearly have a lot still to learn tho, and am very much enjoying the process..

From what I've read, Tangerine Dream is more sativa leaning and was supposed to be on the taller side. I decided to top early, but I F'd TD2 accidentally - she had her early issues too so is about a week or so behind now and is showing sex but hasn't really started preflower - almost felt like she stalled a bit on the first defol too. Nonetheless they've both responded really really well even with being so much more aggresive than last time - I forcing all 6 major branches horizontal - almost mainline, but not really. All the stretch went to the inner growth instead of the branch tops, which have just turned upwards - the insides just exploded. There's some interesting bends in here too, including some full S's to bring the canopy all to the same height.
Day 50 of a pretty smooth run so far :toke: it's a jungle in here!


Rez actually ran dry midweek, so refilled with another 10L on Wed. By Sunday it was dry again. Suffice to say the girls are THIRSTY! RH is a bit low again between 35-45% but the girls don't seem to care, and temps stable day 74 night around

Nutes adjusted, using 2ml/L Grow and Micro, 2.5ml/L Bloom and CalMag. Put 20L of this mix in the rez, it's now 1225ppm at 6.2ph. (My bubbled tap water is 170ppm base, so actual nute strength is 1055ppm). Leaf tips are just barely showing a hint of burn so I've been keeping it pretty steady. May try some different nutes next run, as I'm not happy with all the added N in the AN CalMag, and there's better / more appropriate nutes for the autopots (MEGAcrop) from what I understand.

The PH pattern over the last couple weeks has been a steady rise, and chasing it back down under 6.3 midweek - simple enough. I guess moving to MEGA nutes and tossing a stirring pump/timer in the rez in the next run is pretty doable too.

TD1 is well into flower now and I believe is mostly finished her stretch.



Continuing her trend, TD2 is a bit behind (maybe 2weeks now) and seems is really slow to set bud. Not sure if it's the harder defoliation or the FIM VS Top, or her early start issues or a combo of everything hahahah but when she goes it's gonna get wild in here :D



And we can't forget The Super Silver Haze photo in the corner. (Actually I did :facepalm: and she needed water BADLY). Is still doing great on 1/2 strength nutes.
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Checked the Rez just now, it's down to about 2.5" deep at 6.58PH - gonna have to up the Rez recipe to 30L next week. I'm pretty confident it's mostly becuase of the low RH / VPD being out. Still sitting between 30-40%, temps range 70/78 night/day. I'd love to hook the humidifier back up to see if it makes a difference by bringing it up to the 40-50 range, but I'm running shy on space. These girls just won't slow down haahahahah [HASHTAG]#bestProblems[/HASHTAG] :smoking:
Houston... uhhh... I may have a problem here...but please ignore the regular 'early morning droopiness' .. Lights literally just turned on.

Adjusted my nute solution to a heavier bloom feed, but I believe it's brought a different issue to light. I'm using AN 3-part PH imPerfect and their Sensei Cal. Last refil (Saturday) modified the recipe to avoid too much N and used 3ml/L bloom, 2.5ml/L micro, 2.5ml/L grow, and 2ml/L calmag. PH in the rez has consistently trended on the high side of 6.5+ reaching 7.5 a few times a couple weeks ago and always wants to rise. I belive this rising PH trend with the rez, combined with my recent recipe change has manifested itself in the medium (a soilless mostly coco mix [rootfarm] + perlite). Lesson learned, I shouldn't have modified the recipe - additives are the right way to go rather than modifying the base.

So, I've got AN BigBud PK booster on the way and intend to go back to my original recipe of 2-2.5ml/L of each grow/micro/bloom, then the additives - calmag and bigbud, then calmag and overdrive in a couple weeks. I really need to get the medium sorted before things get worse...

In both cases, leaf stems and veins are turning red, and leaves are limey/yellowing/browning...

TD2 is also well behind (falling further everytime I look at her) but is more sensitive and shows the issue better. She has been stalled for a couple days now and hasn't shown any signs of throwing out pistols. I knew she had problems from the get go, but this is getting silly.





TD1 is a few weeks into flowering now but I feel like it's too early for her leaves to be changing to reds/yellows...




To me, these pics show low PH nutes becoming locked out (Zinc, maganese, iron) - I really don't think it's a CalMag issue, but if anyone could confirm I'd really appreciate it. Either way, the fix is going to be a major flush at 6.0, dump the res and start fresh at 5.8, then maintain between 5.8 & 6.2 - after all, it's

Thanks in advance everyone, happy growing!
Just my opinion, Jrok. I think it looks like nitrogen deficiency from what I have been reading, especially on TD1. I think you can up the nutes on both. TD1 needs big bud, or another P&K supplement, TD2 doesn't need that but needs more nitrogen, more grow. You will have to feed the, differently I am afraid as they need more of different things right now. I am afraid TD2 may be a famous growers choice photo auto. You may have to induce flowering on her, but clearly she needs more nitrogen. At least to me. I would go back to the recommended ratio, and increase the percent feeding for her. I would then supplement big bud for TD1 only outside the reservoir. Again, I preface this by saying that I am such a noob!
I don't think I would flush. Just give them what they need.
I don't think I would flush. Just give them what they need.
Well after watching them for a couple days, TD2 (giant veg) really seems to be showing textbook high PH lockout. Both have been flushed in the last 48h. TD1 started with runoff about Ph7.6 @ 800, got 6Gal plain water flush at PH5.8, bringing her runoff down to 6.2, @ 300ppm. TD2 on the other hand was a lot higher - initial runoff was 7.94@1250ppm. It even smelled kinda rotten. Put 6Gal through at 5.5, bringing her down to a more respectable 6.5 @ 350ppm. Her red stems and leaf edges, limey/yellowish leaves and high nutes in the runoff confirms to me that she was also severely locked out.

Rez gets refilled today, going with 2ml/L across the board (G/M/B/CalMag/BigBud). Hoping TD2 comes around and shows some signs of budding. If not, it may still work in my favour - I can flower her out on her own after TD1 wraps up... who knew I'd be going perpetual this soon?!? Lol