twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino 2021 Grow&show

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Jpkindbud - update #12
  • Update#12- Day45- Durban sunrise is doing good, showing some purple coloring. Upped feed to 3gpgMC and 1gpgBE at 1/2 gal every three days cuz that’s what she’s telling me. I let it grow natural cuz I wanted to see its structure but next time I will be using LST
    idiopathic neuropathy - update #14
  • Partial harvest day 79 ---Whiskey Zulu Height 26" in a 2 gallon pot all solid bud from top to bottom-lowers to be left to mature for a few more days.
    I am somewhat partial to Whiskey Zulu compared to Trizzlers. The Whiskey Zulu has very nice terpenes, structure and nice buds from even the lower buds, i.e. no popcorn on this lady. I am getting some foxtailing on both whiskey zulu plants-it might be due to my temperatures hitting 82f ish with 35-40 RH. These genetics have been a delight to grow! I am looking forward to growing some Vidamints in the fall.
    I love a good thc/cbd strain, since it really helps with my neuropathy.
    St. Tom - update #13
  • Update lights out here's my glue sniffer day day 59 I think also my snow g approaching week 5 she's the girl with 2 in one pot but if you look at the 2nd one at the edges she has the same mutation leaves like all the other seedlings I tried but least I got 1 good plant and she's thriving @Twenty20 Adam what are your thoughts
    RustyStarbuck72 - update #14
  • Update 14... Whiskey Zulu day 75 ish
    This is my fave girl of the 3 that I run,
    I'm letting her go a little longer, a few more Amber's today and she is starting the fade.
    The buds are rock solid like glass from the bottom up.
    She smells so strong :headbang: :smoking:
    The Mugwamp - update #2
  • Twenty20 Mendocino
    Trizzlers Auto
    Week 1
    Day 7
    So far so good :thumbsup: she was getting a tiny bit leggy, so I've given her a little support. Other than that, she's doing just fine :toke:
    Fermented_Fruitz/Mark - update #14
  • Here we go once more!!!! :cooldance:

    While here might as well update the trizkits twins! Pretty sure today is day 64 and shouldn’t be all that much longer! Def closer to the end then the beginning which is the important part! :thumbsup:
    Left lady is a lil behind but she def has some wild orange hairs poppin out! :woohoo1:

    From what I’ve learned with these autos and the last photos in this same soil, obv the dude I get it from leaves something to be desired in micronutrients cuz keep having issues! Ordered a good 100% soluble humic acid powder to help make sure not leaving any nutrients in the soil the plant needs and it’ll also have those missing micros! :cheers:
    dankstyle J - update #7
  • Day 43 ,2nd day of flower Glue sniffer been supercropped an tied down now in a 20gallon fabric pot living coco with microbes exploding under 265 r hlg an side lighting from a super hps 1000w an a 315cmh .
    Sour D - update #10
  • Durban Sunrise Day 65
    Thet are just stackin n packin. Both are a little bit crowded. I got a big floppy girl that will come down tomorrow or Thurs.. Then I can move these around a bit to let em spread out. One thing I've noticed is 0 issues with the yellow leaf virus. Genetics? I did start feeding them some of this knf stuff a couple weeks ago. Maybe both? Whatever- pretty happy with them. Totally unexpected is the girl in the small box is 36" high and the one in the big box is 33". The one in the big box is a bit bushier though.

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