Grow Mediums Tshirt's Hydro Expo

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OO man Thsirt that sucks bro, i really look forward to your post. I know what you are going threw thou. Good luck bro and get back ASAP, cause we will miss you and your updates.

Just to through caution your way... Since they know its fresh home grown, they could put a tail on you to see if they can figure out where it came from.

Stay SAFE :no:
sorry to hear that mate. sounds like youve made the right decision shutting shop for a bit though - karma sent your way bro, hope can get out of it as lightly as possible.
that sucks major booty!!!!!!!!!! You want me to watch your blackstars for you? hehehe I hope it all works out soon for you!!
It totally sucks and I wish you the greatest success in getting your problem put behind you. Why do you think you got busted? Only answer if it is not a problem for you I am usually very curious about what happenned when people get busted.
Hi, Im new here I followed your journal a bit, and just read your post about having to shut down, I just wanted to let you know im sorry to hear this, and I hope you can get your issues resolved, and start growing again soon!

totally dislike bro. sorry for ya man. we all believe that.... first of all having weed as an adult is not a fucking crime. and that growing it hurts nobody. but the crooked politicians and their bullshit laws! i could go on, and on. power to you bro!
DUDE NOOOOOOO!!!! That sux ass bro I'm sending all the positive karma that I have your way homie. Be careful
ok guys im stopping this project in its tracks. i caught a minor possession charge over the holidays and was confronted and interrogated for a while about where i got it and that its obviously "home grown". police were nagging me nonstop about where the grow is but i used my right to remain silent the whole time. i want to try and get this deferred so that i do not have a record so i will be closing shop for a bit until my court date in late feb at least. i might start growing veggies indoors so stay tuned..... i had to pull and burn all my plants that were going as it was a HUGE security risk. id rather have my freedom then my grow.

Sucks to be you right now dude, better safe than sorry though. start scouting out some gorilla grow areas as yer paranoia weed destroya ain't gonna let you start up indoors for a while.
Shit man that is truly tragic, I feel for ya and hope all goes well in Feb