Grow Mediums Tshirt's Hydro Expo

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scratch that i just cut them all down there was only 1 that wasnt COMPLETELY ready but i can deal with 1 early plant to get it all done and cleared out so i can put all my equipment into my storage.
ok all is done on here and the results were interesting..... i ended up with 1362 wet grams for somewhere in the neighborhood of 9.72-12.16 oz dry depending on how much sugar leaf i left on. oh and a word to the wise don't trim while on mushrooms i couldn't figure out how to use scissors after i put them down and had to just stop until the next day. my next endevor looks to be starting the aquaponics farm i've been drooling over. i realized i have most of the equipment already i just need to learn a few fittings and some science to start it and i think i might have a working indoor veggie farm in no time.
:crying: Scissors get tricky after a few shrooms huh? why can't you smoke Tshirt?
trying to detox a bit..... gonna smoke on 4/20 then i have to stop because im facing a possession charge. i go to court on may 31st and want at least 45 days to detox since im classified as a chronic smoker when it comes to weed lol. ive got friends and family that will go ape for what i have left over after the party im gonna throw on 4/20 so its whatever.
trying to detox a bit..... gonna smoke on 4/20 then i have to stop because im facing a possession charge. i go to court on may 31st and want at least 45 days to detox since im classified as a chronic smoker when it comes to weed lol. ive got friends and family that will go ape for what i have left over after the party im gonna throw on 4/20 so its whatever.
Sorry to hear about the charge bro, I have to take random drug tests until June so I know how bad it blows.
got the numbers in and its actually a little over 14oz dry. not a bad haul and one of my better grows with pj so far.
might be getting a new grow location within the next 2-3 months so be on the lookout as i will be updating this thread once i get more info.