Grow Mediums Tshirt's Hydro Expo

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so you burned everything even though they did no further investigation?? makes absolutely no sense to me, especially seeing all that time and money you put setting all your stuff up... unless this is was your first time ever in the back of a state trooper car and were just scared shitless...

i mean i understand the patriot act and all ( they definately and most certainly will hold you in custody if they feel like it they suspect something and for as long as they want) but it sounds to me that if they thought you were growing, you wouldn't have been released until they got that warrant to search your home. They just aren't that smart. They need an arrest and ticket to hand out a lot of the time because they are just lazy a lot of the time..

what did you get pulled over for anyways?

give $300 to lawer and you'll get an ACD with MAYBE some community service attached...if the laws are as strict as you are implying in your state then you probably will have to do some work for no money to satisfy the judge...

good luck in your future grows.
i only burned the plants. but i was questioned about grows for over 2 hours.
Guess you should take down that video with your face in it then, especially if you've hooked up any of your friends with those killer pjs you harvested not too long ago...i mean if you were really that paranoid about being busted right?

first offense for possesion = slap on the wrist. stay out of trouble for 6 months after your court date and it will never appear on your record.

good luck.
yah i realize that part for the pos charge. the videos aren't an issue with security since they are uploaded a certain way. and i browse this site securely with proxies as well as https so i have no electronic tie in. i only burnt down the current batch of plants for the off chance that i was going to be tailed and watched. if they bust my door down now there will be nothing to find. better safe than sorry when we are talking 20+ years. oh and i got pulled over for crossing a median when i was being forced off the side road by a 18 wheeler that did not see me and i had no choice. the cop saw it and freaked out. i was immediately removed from my vehicle and they said i must be on drugs and TRASHED my car.... but honestly i drive a NICE race car so i get labeled as a criminal by LEO before i have a chance to say hi most of the time.
thanks andy and everyone else for the concern and good vibes. everything will be fine i just have to ride out the shitstorm. gonna contact my atty after the new year as i know he won't be in till then anyway and will get him to lay out whats gonna happen and what steps we will take.
ok guys i have grow rooms and am considering a crop of tomatoes and peppers. anyone want to help me find out how to grow those in rockwool? I have led and hps just aching to be turned back on before i tear my setups apart.
Sucks T-Shirt
But as paranoid as I am. As spel suggested it may be a good idea to take the videos down regardless of your upload method. They may pick up the voice or what.

How about lettuce they grow pretty good hydroponically

This guy has a great channel. Grows all types of veggies/fruits [video][/video]