Harvest Round [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

I've been out of town again for a few days, and just got back.
Before I left, I noticed that little bit of bud rot starting on the older Safari lady...
Luckily, checking the weather while I was out, it was mainly sunny and warm, no rain.

Not long after I returned, I took the opportunity to go and check the site,
and try to the harvest that older Safari girl. Was worried that the rot may have spread...

Grabbing my bag and scissors, out I went. I checked the weather report before I left, and...
forecast for rain again this afternoon. So, better go quick!

5 minutes out the door, and the rain started. Damn! Took shelter for a bit.
It eased, and I pressed on. I didn't want to cut wet plants, horrible to dry in high humidity!
But I also didn't want them wet on the plant, with the rot spreading.

When I got the site, the rain hadn't hit it much, just a touch of moisture.
The younger Safaris (and possibly autos) were doing well.
Yellowing a bit, but still many white pistils. They'd been enjoying the sunny weather!

Group 1 - Younger Safari (2 plants)
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She's doing fine. Yellowing, no more stretching, slowly bulking up, nice crystals.
The bud on the far left is actually another smaller plant, heavily shadowed by the main lady.

Group 2 - Younger Safari (1 plant)
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She's doing fine. Yellowing, no more stretching, slowly bulking up, nice crystals.
Slightly smaller than the first group, above.

Group 3 - Older and Younger Safari and Friend (3 plants)
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There are three plants here, actually!
On the left with purple is a smaller plant, I think a younger Safari girl.
On the right may be an auto, or younger Safari.
Up top is the older Safari lady. Can see a touch of bud rot, but it hadn't spread (lucky!)
I cut down 90% of the older Safari, plus the top half of the other two, they were more mature than expected.

Group 4 - Already cut Older Safari and Friend
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Another two plants. Bottom left in green on the stump is the remains of the older Safari already harvested.
Top right in yellow is a younger plant, maybe auto, not sure. Just a tiny little wispy bud. :p

No time for fancy bud shots, sorry. I did a rough trim on site, and into a brown paper bag.
I wanted to get clear and check security, although all went smoothly.
Here's a peek in the bag halfway home:
View attachment 873499
This may be a 1/4 oz = 7 g or so. I should really cut the stems out more, now that I see this picture...

Got home safely with my fresh bag of herbs.
Opened the door, put down my bag and...
the rains started to pour down, very heavily, but just for 20 minutes!

Lucky I took the chance, and cut.
The remaining girls need a few more weeks.
Weather forecast for ... cloudy, some sun, some showers for a few days, then mainly sunny and clear for a week!

All is good.

Love and hugs,

Mariaaa, always impressed with your dedication and work! Gotta risk it to get the biscuit ;). Your ladies are lovely looking, your efforts have paid off...

sorry about that bud rot... similar thing happening to my photo :/! Had to nip off a delicious looking nug!

Mind me asking if you smoke for a specified medical reason? Or is it a took to de stress, relax and wind down - which would make it a medicine in my eyes!

Also, I notice you harvest early (I think-not 100% sure) is that for the effect, less couch lock etc?

Supaaa keen for that smoke report of yours! Wishing you the best luck, safety and positive vibes my friend!

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Mariaaa, always impressed with your dedication and work! Gotta risk it to get the biscuit ;). Your ladies are lovely looking, your efforts have paid off...

sorry about that bud rot... similar thing happening to my photo :/! Had to nip off a delicious looking nug!

Mind me asking if you smoke for a specified medical reason? Or is it a took to de stress, relax and wind down - which would make it a medicine in my eyes!

Also, I notice you harvest early (I think-not 100% sure) is that for the effect, less couch lock etc?

Supaaa keen for that smoke report of yours! Wishing you the best luck, safety and positive vibes my friend!

More craziness than dedication.... :p It's been a long time since I was such an adrenaline junky....
Those girls are small, but certainly growing okay. And now I know a good place here, can only improve.

I smoke to see Shiva / Jah / you know who. Or, all of the above.
I do tend toward "high" rather than "stone" in my harvest time. I don't like couch like, want to go and walk under the sun.

Weather forecast is rain later tonight and tomorrow, though not a huge amount, and temps down to 10C - 13C or so.
Then... clear sunny skies for over a week, temps up to to the mid 20s C. PERFECT for this point of the growth.
Really, they should be able to finish off with some lovely clear weather!!
I'll try to go and give them one last feed sometime after these rains, for the home stretch.
More craziness than dedication.... [emoji14] It's been a long time since I was such an adrenaline junky....
Those girls are small, but certainly growing okay. And now I know a good place here, can only improve.

I smoke to see Shiva / Jah / you know who. Or, all of the above.
I do tend toward "high" rather than "stone" in my harvest time. I don't like couch like, want to go and walk under the sun.

Weather forecast is rain later tonight and tomorrow, though not a huge amount, and temps down to 10C - 13C or so.
Then... clear sunny skies for over a week, temps up to to the mid 20s C. PERFECT for this point of the growth.
Really, they should be able to finish off with some lovely clear weather!!
I'll try to go and give them one last feed sometime after these rains, for the home stretch.
Growing is a terrible Addiction . Once you get that bug there's no getting rid of it. Hahaha . Here's some pics of my sour liver
a sugar haze regular seed.
an og kush fem
2 white widows regular
and some triple cheese clones from a friend that I had to end up saving from root aphids
sorry about all the pics[emoji6][emoji4][emoji16]

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Growing is a terrible Addiction . Once you get that bug there's no getting rid of it. Hahaha . Here's some pics of my sour liver
a sugar haze regular seed.
an og kush fem
2 white widows regular
and some triple cheese clones from a friend that I had to end up saving from root aphids
sorry about all the pics[emoji6][emoji4][emoji16]

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How many are you growing at the same time?
nice job, one more in the bag!! do you leave any of the stem with some leaf? if their autos I'd bet they would regrow for another harvest.

Yeah, that second one dried up nicely -- the weather was good, RH around 60%, super low for here!
It's now in the jar, curing a little. I'm going to leave it before sampling, and just smoke the first one for now.

I left the roots, main stem and a half dozen or so lower bud sites on the plant.
They are photos, so I'm curious as to any re-growth / re-juv.

The sun is shining beautifully today, just perfect! This is the best conditions I've seen in this country!!!
So, I want to go out and give them a little water and feed, maybe the last one for the younger plants.
I'm using my vege garden DWC hydro nutes (for lettuce, etc.), runs about NPK 5-11-26 plus trace elements.
It's obviously not a canna formulation, but I'm sure it will help.

Maybe get some pics if I'm lucky!
Group 1
20180312 Mandala Safaris and Friends (1).jpg

20180312 Mandala Safaris and Friends (2).jpg

This lady is doing nicely. Maybe just a week to go!

Group 2
20180312 Mandala Safaris and Friends (3).jpg

20180312 Mandala Safaris and Friends (4).jpg

She could prob come down already, but will leave her for a bit.

Group 3
20180312 Mandala Safaris and Friends (5).jpg

This was the second older girl already harvested (middle).
Left is little one, quite purple / yellow.
Right is another little one, single tiny top.

I cut most of these three down, including the bottom part of the second older lady.
Another few grams of small but sticky little buds.

Love and hugs,