Haha, haven't heard "wacky-baccy" for a looonnngggg time.
I'm guessing you don't come from the same place I do.
I thought it was a local term as a kid.
.... stellar line-up Maria, those will cover all the bases for effects-

... I miss G-13, a fine grow of the real deal photo' is tops Indica smoke,.. sadly, it's been lost in the popularity dust around here....haven't had it in ages.... The DD will enchant you with her gorgeous colors, pics don't do her full justice-- leaf and bud!...
I mainly picked these strains on two criteria:
Fairly good yield, because they would be in non-ideal circumstances.
And easy to grow, low maintenance plants.
The Fast Buds crew have good details on their strains, it's G14, C4, Green Crack and, IIRC, the Crystal Meth, all easy to grow plants.
Speaking of G13... have you checked out the Youtube clip of Alpinstash grow room?
To to 6:55 ... holy sh!t, those buds just flopping around.
They add CO2, up to 1500 ppm...
Each of those buds is a mean oz...
Claimed to be "original cut", but who knows? Whatever it is, it's heavy.
So, a river Ninja grow this time, ay? Challenging! Don't forget to pee around the perimeter of the stash spots, to help ward off the vermins-

-- seriously! ...
Yup. From mountain side to river side.
Very challenging.
I won't pee around them.
I may pee in a bottle, and pour that around them though...
I'm with Mongol here on drainage; do you double-up the pots? This can raise the bottom of the one the plants are in off the ground a bit, maybe put some perlite in the base of the outside pot to fill the space up enough to keep most bugs out, but still drain/breath freely,... Hmmm, the light hours will be tough on the auto's for bloom quality/quantity, but you know that already,... Good on the PK pellets! Can you get other encapsulated nutrients in your area? (like Osmocoat)....While a bit burn-risky, an little of those mixed in the soil of final pots would be a big help too

For now, on the window sill, no need. Just have drip trays underneath.
When they go outside... still thinking whether to leave in little pots or plant into soil.
The soil here is much better than on the mountain.
And I have just bought a little trowel / spade.
But.... dropping guerilla plants out in the wild is stressful enough.
Having to go there and dig holes takes time....
So, still thinking about pots or in the dirt...
Instead of PK pellets, I got chicken manure strengthened with Ca. Perfect!
It's .... NPK 3.0 - 4.5 - 3.0.
Nice ratios, not too strong. It's more like a very rich dirt than pellets.
Plus, I've been saving egg shells, and will put them in the blender with water, then boil, and water with them for extra Ca.
If I put straight into soil, I can drop the chicken manure plus egg shells in the bottom, and sprinkle a bit on top.
When you pair them up in pots, try to keep like bloom times with like,... the J47 especially, that will be last in, almost guaranteed,...
Hmmm... in order of maturation from last grow, the order is like this:
Fast: Dark Devil - G14
Almost: Cream Mandarine - C4
Then: Green Crack
Then: Jack 47 - Mazar
Last: Blue Amnesia
So, they are pretty much paired in the same grow times.
OH, I have lots of experience carrying plants around the city.
One of my favorites: my last Northern Lights cutting which had vegged for maybe 4+ weeks, in a 4 gallon square pot. I was giving it to a friend of a friend when I shut down my garden, and he wanted to grow indoors. Not much Dutch genetics in our town then, so he was super happy to get this. I walked down the main road on a sunny busy Saturday morning....
It will totally be at night. Around here, after 11pm gets quieter, but maybe 1am or so would be better.
Best if I can go out and dig the holes / set up the sites first, with nothing incriminating on me (except a joint, I guess...)
Can do that during light hours.
Then, go in to drop off at night.
For now.... I need my seedlings!!!!!!