Dinafem Trip's Dinafem Haze CBD

OHH MAN I FORGOT TO UPDATE THIS LOG LATELY! well things are going GREAT with this girl an i couldnt be much happier at the moment with her! I will be switching to bloom nutes in a couple days, Check her out!

Just stumbled in a bit late. I have some haze and industrial plant on the way, so I'm very interested.
the haze is a quick grower and would of gotten big if i hadnt LST'd her. the XXL parent shows in this one. she is still stretching some but is switching focus to flower!:cooldance::cooldance::cooldance:
Looking really good, Trip! Wicked grow skills and sweet photos :slap:.

I love, love, love this strain! So good for anxiety, and a perfect daytime med. I was sceptical, but it's haze alright. I'm dying to grow more, but my tent is full. lol