Dinafem White Widow XXL - Pop22


They are growing nicely! Now that it has warmed up, the greenhouse WW is starting to grow again. I'll get a pic of her in a bit. Most of the autos are now sharing a 4x4 tent, I'm plant juggling ( Translation: more plants than places to put them.... ). She's looking good and growing nicely. I accidentally took a nip out of a leaf, pinched it, so nothing is gnawing on her lol! Feeding her Megacrop 2.0. Lighting in this tent is 4- QB304 running at 360 watts.

WW XXL pic1 -5-16-2020.jpg
Here's my greenhouse WW XXL. She survived some cold nights ( and days ) and still looks great! She's grown noticeably in the last two days. Will be interesting to see how she compares to the indoor plant in a couple weeks.

WW XXL outdoor plant pic1 -5-16-2020.jpg
Here's my greenhouse WW XXL. She survived some cold nights ( and days ) and still looks great! She's grown noticeably in the last two days. Will be interesting to see how she compares to the indoor plant in a couple weeks.

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She's going to be a strong girl :thumbsup:

It looks like it's starting to warm up now :pass:

Now the sun's coming out get ready for some rapid growth :thumbsup:

Thanks as always for the diary update :cheers:

All the best :bong:


Indoor WW XXL is 19 inches tall and 30 inches wide! Just how I like em lol! She's just starting to stretch should have buds soon! Hope she takes to a bit of defoliation, I've one other large auto in there and no place to move one to.

Outdoor girl is much smaller but very healthy, I suspect she'll gain size and even catch up. When I put her in the greenhouse, we had sub freezing temperatures 3 nights in a row. I kept her rested on the raised bed for warmth for the pot. She did fine, no damage. just slowed her down a bit. Now we're having summer like weather and she's loving it!

Pic of the indoor plant sucks, she's really just as green as the outdoor plant.

WW XXL - in -pic1 -5-22-2020.jpg
WW XXL - out -pic1 -5-22-2020.jpg
Are you going to do any leaf tucking or training for these girls? Would probably have some dinafem ww xl if the vendor i was buying from had smaller pack available. If i recall was only like 100 pack available at the time. Maybe a 25 pack too but I didn't want to spend that much. They're definitely on my list I've not done a widow auto yet
The first time I grow a strain I like to let it grow natural so I can see it's structure. And I don't commonly do much plant training. However, I have a Trainwreck that had all kinds of little sucker branches and I cleaned her up but good today lol. I also removed all the leave down the inside center of the plant.

I'll porbably grow these again, I'm liking the looks of them! My first auto ever was a Spliff Seeds WW.