New Grower trim leaves during budding

Your plants look great! :thumbs: I don't think that's in dispute. I just checked out your grow, which is beautiful! You're growing soil less and feeding the roots directly I think is how that works - I wonder if that makes a difference? (I removed my snarky comment about the guy in the video... I felt bad after posting it!)
a side note: why is it whenever someone ask's this question about trimming and the guys post pics of monster plants that were trimmed to help give a positive answer no one still will belive guys always try to scare everyone....

Bro we believe you, we've seen your before and after pictures, it seems to work ok for you but I think people are just trying to say just because it works in your dialed in DWC setup doesn't mean it's gunna work for everyone.

We're not tryna scare anyone just inform them like you are man, some people in this thread already said trimming didn't help there plants, but your saying it helped yours. The thing is when a new grower comes and asks if he should start trimming off leaves and he reads trimming off fan leaves and giving haircuts every week is gunna help but it ends up ruining his plants it would kinda be our fault at AFN for misinforming him so we're just saying what works for you won't work for everyone that's all, happy growing man :smokebuds: :peace:
So this thread can end.....i ended up tucking away most that I could.
Please end this, this is asked once a week and it always ends up down the middle.....
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Go auto and Nam, I agree

But can I just add this. There are so many factors in growing, I my self only remove leafs if they and completely dead and I always tuck, branches will stretch into the new space, rather then doing it after you have removed a perfectly good leaf, I see it as pulling one of your fingers off, your going to be pissed and stressed out, and you don't want that in flowering. And tbh with Powerful LED the par you will often find the buds being all of equal size, penetrating the plant more, removing the need for removing the leafs, anyway... :2cents:
Old thread I know! But surely if this was a good idea it would be all over the net and all growers would be doing it! Plus passing there knowledge on, which I see they are but not about trimming Autos!