Outdoor Trailanimal's 2017 grows

blue dream coming along nicely
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sad thing about an open door is more often than not it gets slammed in your face.
some people think i have fallen out with them over weed.i havnt i never ask for much,ive asked them to keep the same secret 2 times already.that 3rd time gets replaced with a fuck off i dont want to know you.harsh but true.
do whatever you have to to keep yourself safe and the right side of that thin blue line pal.
girls lookin great and loving the sun.
sad thing about an open door is more often than not it gets slammed in your face.
some people think i have fallen out with them over weed.i havnt i never ask for much,ive asked them to keep the same secret 2 times already.that 3rd time gets replaced with a fuck off i dont want to know you.harsh but true.
do whatever you have to to keep yourself safe and the right side of that thin blue line pal.
girls lookin great and loving the sun.
preach brother!, I'm way too trusting. If I went to the city I'd probably be picked clean. But, if city folk enter my domain they be my little puppies
Man loving that sour d growing a bio legend,bio diesel xlegend og its still in veg got 2 had 3gave one to mom for her garden got one that leans diesel dominate after the bubbas gift ,lemon walker ,skelly og imma flower out 2 of those with a kushncheese indoors I love diesels they used to call it day wrecker back in the day ,big fan of og with the sour I love headband .
Man loving that sour d growing a bio legend,bio diesel xlegend og its still in veg got 2 had 3gave one to mom for her garden got one that leans diesel dominate after the bubbas gift ,lemon walker ,skelly og imma flower out 2 of those with a kushncheese indoors I love diesels they used to call it day wrecker back in the day ,big fan of og with the sour I love headband .
"day wrecker" that's good, for retired folk will be a day maker, lol
big update!
Had to go guerrilla for part of the grow. Seems my open door policy kicked me in the butt, again. Village blabber mouths have the Troopers interested in my grow, what I've heard, maybe just a rumor, but had to take action to get that backstabbed feel out of my gut. So, eight of the girls had to go to wilds........View attachment 779718 they are there, 500' to 1000' feet out. Watering is a real bitch

Thats such bullshit man. :( Out in the middle of nowhere, and your grow is obviously one for strictly personal, yet you have to deal with this crap. Hope everything works out for you my friend. Now you know why even if it becomes legal here, i will retain my real life serious closed door policy. It sucks, but many/most people cannot be trusted. If they are not shooting their mouths off, then they are planning to rob you in the middle of the night. :(
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WOW...thread turned fast.
Can't be too careful, good choice moving some out. (IMO)
912Green good points, which is exactly why I think hard about posting publicly pictures, it's breaking rule [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG].

Just protect yourself online with vpn's and dont show anyone in real life your grow and you'll be fine.
I really don't have to many friends and still have the feeling from prohibition of being put threw the ol ringer ,still get that uneasy feeling of being some sorta marijuana outlaw ,even in a legal state there's still worries,sending some gro love bro for you and the ladies .

You have lots of friends bud...you just wouldnt know them if you passed them on the street! ;)