Outdoor Trailanimal's 2017 grows

You have lots of friends bud...you just wouldnt know them if you passed them on the street! ;)
Yes very true i would trust the ones i don't see more i got a buddy that comes over and we smoke a few ,but after having an ex wife testify against me an my so called best friend wearing a wire i never fully got over that and just became more of a loner ,but i got my kids ,kinfolk ,afn friends and tasty buds to keep me company so every thing is perfect .
Sure hope it doesn't come down to actual trouble with the law for you brother. Guess I should really feel how lucky I am with my canna friendly and supportive community. Take care pal.:pass:
Sure hope it doesn't come down to actual trouble with the law for you brother. Guess I should really feel how lucky I am with my canna friendly and supportive community. Take care pal.:pass:
you have a good community! Thank the goddess I have a handful of good friends in the village. I feel confident if the troopers do show I'll be able to song and dance my way out of a few extra plants. Not too worried. State finances being what they are and absolutely no evidence as to a commercial operation, and the fact that they know that lying and thieving are the way of life in the village, they may never come around.
big update!
Had to go guerrilla for part of the grow. Seems my open door policy kicked me in the butt, again. Village blabber mouths have the Troopers interested in my grow, what I've heard, maybe just a rumor, but had to take action to get that backstabbed feel out of my gut. So, eight of the girls had to go to wilds........View attachment 779718 they are there, 500' to 1000' feet out. Watering is a real bitch

Sorry brother. Stay safe.

Lovely scenery though.
the tall girls
Sour D 51".......

Critical + 2.0 48".......

Bubba Trouble 46"....

Bubba Trouble 44".
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@trailanimal I love what your doing up there. I'm sorry to hear of the troubles but hopefully it is all rumors and you will be fine. I still go by the
old code "Snitches get Stitches". Because of you, @912GreenSkell and a few others that are doing awesome stuff outdoors. I'm going to try
my luck on the outdoor deck grow as I've had to put my indoor tent on the back burner.