Outdoor Trailanimal's 2016 Greenhouse plus Voodoo Girl

man, did I ever inflate estimate on the last 4, only got 6 oz. Still have 4 plants in the greenhouse: AU, moon tears, and unknown portal anomaly(known as Anomalie), and Belly Dancer(afghani magnum). Fantastic warm and dry has allowed the late planted portals to mature and the au, day 108, will actually have some smoke, already has lots of resin. Belly Dancer was all show and no go, still has her beautiful red and green hair, but she never made bud, even though she is covered in pre flowers, so much so she seems a little furry, also at day 108. Pics are from today, after a low of 26FView attachment 627270 View attachment 627272 View attachment 627273 View attachment 627274
Beautiful hoping for good weather for you bro
Dude... I looked and looks months ago for a thread by you... Wth?! How did I miss this? I didn't even see it in your list of threads... But then again I'm a dingbat stoner lmao amazing work TA!! I'm glad I finally found ya! I got teased in LS!
thanks Rebel, it's a big site, lots of stuff to over look, lol
Sounds like you've had a hell of adventure with your setup!!!!! I love how remote you are, in comparison to where I live!!! I've been getting sick of the "city" living the last few years, and I hate crowds more and more each day..

How close are your nearest neighbors??
Sounds like you've had a hell of adventure with your setup!!!!! I love how remote you are, in comparison to where I live!!! I've been getting sick of the "city" living the last few years, and I hate crowds more and more each day..

How close are your nearest neighbors??
glad you like the grow, thanks for the "like" blizzard! I have one neighbor, has a camp a couple miles away. The village is 20 miles by the raven. I always feel crowded in cities towns villages, guess that's why I'm here
Well, the warm and dry late summer fantasy weather has ended, today dark with snow mixed with rain on the way. Yesterday was super fine greenhouse time, got the rest of the girls harvested! Couple nights ago got down to 20F, the girls where happy in the greenhouse.
Well, the warm and dry late summer fantasy weather has ended, today dark with snow mixed with rain on the way. Yesterday was super fine greenhouse time, got the rest of the girls harvested! Couple nights ago got down to 20F, the girls where happy in the greenhouse.

Hey trail, pick out a pretty pic of your favorite for this month's BOM/POM !
autoultimate, 112 days from seed, slowpoke, thought I wasn't going to get any smoke from her, but the long season has gifted me, even though she didn't have time to fill out, got a bunch of very frosty smaller bud, she will be good smoke
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