Outdoor trailanimal 2019

got your hash plant!, curing into a late nighter for sure, she is destined for the garden again, what's not to like? Little more cure for full potential :smoking:
hash... very fond memories from the 70’s . I’ll freeze the fresh trim from the current tent residents, and maybe get some bubble bags.
All the top leaves are covered.. would be a huge shame to waste those trichomes.
Love to hear she’s a late nighter. I’m a little low on the shut eye flower.
Sounds like NL CBD will be a regular in your garden.Solid yielder. Definitely getting at least one into the Spring line up.
My first ever grow was a Nothern Lights Blue berry, sadly the last bit of that grow was used up yesterday, onto the meger grow 2 stash. Lovely resinous bud there Trail mate ! What a lovely view and 10F is really cold.
cold, and what we need now to start the river freezing up
out the window this morn......................

Fog lifting as I type. The NWS has us pegged for 7 sunny or mostly sunny days ina row! Highs in the upper 20s, lows lower teens. Real sweet for doing stuff on the land, no stress beauty. Remnant typhoon Hagibis gonna jack the east wind for a couple of days. Between the sun and the wind we get what Sharon calls "free" energy days, happy she gets to free feed and go off of Spartan mode for some hours.