New Grower Topping tips

First time grower second run is one of my posts


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How do you do that just use a paper shopping bag
Basically yeah. Make sure it's a thick one. And only put enough to line the bottom of the bag(s). Some say to trim to golf ball size nugs. If your humidity is okay large buds are fine, imo. Depending again on RH it will be dried and ready for jars in 5-7 days. Some also claim it speeds the cure. I don't know about all that but maybe, because it does seem to lose that home grown, chlorophyll smell a bit quicker.
Well, that's the short version. If you're interested, there is a lengthy discussion about it in link here.
Definitely gonna try it my humidity runs around 40 let me go look now its 45% humidity in my tent now
I have a Big walk in closet i can use we dont care about smell so much but this 5×12 foot closet has now Ac,vent in it stays a little warm could i use that with a fan not blowing directly on the buds
I would like to cure my whole plant hung upside down no roots but whole plant for a slow 3to4 week cure
But gonna do the paper bag method first and jar cure