Grow Mediums To Be or Not To Be ...

Happy Saturday.

Yesterday 00 SEEDS BANK: CHEESE BERRY was jarred. She yielded almost 6 oz. She is another nice "blue" high with a mellow tone for the entire time. This will be a go to for me. A nice nice buzz. I wonder what it will be like after a cure?

She was carefree grow and oh the trichomes on her !! she is 100% covered with them.

I was notified for my vaccine and yesterday I got my first shot. Thank you Colorado for making this a smooth and easy process.

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Congrats on the needle! I’ll be happy if I am done before the end of March. :biggrin:
Great harvest weight and cute pic, I look forward to you growing again too but seems you are well stocked for awhile :smoking:
Yes, well stocked I be. Thank you. We will go see the little lady in a month or so. We face time with her every day and so this pandemic has provided a unique opportunity for us to bond. Good things follow bad.
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Congrats on the needle! I’ll be happy if I am done before the end of March. :biggrin:
My bride got her first shot, or jab for you over the pond, Thursday and I got my second on Friday. No issues at all for either of us. Painless and no need for worry or fear. We all need to understand that this has killed more than all USA forces in WWII. You take care and everyone stay safe.
My bride got her first shot, or jab for you over the pond, Thursday and I got my second on Friday. No issues at all for either of us. Painless and no need for worry or fear. We all need to understand that this has killed more than all USA forces in WWII. You take care and everyone stay safe.
Glad to hear that you and your wife are vaccinated. It is also nice to hear from someone behaving rationally at the moment. Keep your care up though, the jury is still somewhat out regarding the new variants, and even vaccinated individuals can still get mildly infected and pass the virus on. :bighug: :goodluck:
Glad to hear that you and your wife are vaccinated. It is also nice to hear from someone behaving rationally at the moment. Keep your care up though, the jury is still somewhat out regarding the new variants, and even vaccinated individuals can still get mildly infected and pass the virus on. :bighug: :goodluck:
The world has changed and so must we. We will remain very careful. Thanks for your input.
One whole year to grow. Nice to see u again. How you and yours doing?
Everything is going well. My wife and I have managed to avoid the plague so far. We’re still waiting on our turn for vaccinations. My younger brother caught a case of the virus, but made a full recovery. He’s lucky. Well...too stubborn to let it get the better of him is more likely. How are you and yours doing?

The missus and I bought a house. So, my growing and consumption will be allowed a much wider berth than when we were in an apartment subject to a landlord’s archaic rules.

I’ve been peeking in here every so often to make sure I’m not missing anything. I saw that nearly one-pound monster and just had to throw a comment in here. I’ll try to be around a little more frequently once we settle into the new digs.

Take care.
All well here. Stayed in and stayed safe. We were able to do that. We will go see the 4 yr old grand daughter soon.

Good for you on a house. It is so good when it becomes your home. So happy for you.

Glad you saw the the 15 oz. That means you missed the 21 oz Fat Tuesday

Jan 24, 2021
Hello everyone.

Linda Seeds: Fat Blueberry Auto came down yesterday at day 97. She topped out at 54 inches. I had to tie her to my light so she would stop from leaning into the sides of the tent. Well, those branches are heavy and VERY flexible so it is what it is.

Sorry about the pics. She is so difficult to take a good shot due to her being being in a corner and the reflection from the lights. Well, that is my excuse any way.



This is what her trichomes looked like. Mostly cloudy and a few amber. The last sample I vaped 6 days ago was just about right. It needed some more "roundness" in the last part of the buzz. I will try an another sample today.
Photo on 1-23-21 at 6.25 AM.jpg

Photo on 1-23-21 at 6.26 AM.jpg

