Grow Mediums To Be or Not To Be ...

All well here. Stayed in and stayed safe. We were able to do that. We will go see the 4 yr old grand daughter soon.

Good for you on a house. It is so good when it becomes your home. So happy for you.

Glad you saw the the 15 oz. That means you missed the 21 oz Fat Tuesday

Jan 24, 2021
Hello everyone.

Linda Seeds: Fat Blueberry Auto came down yesterday at day 97. She topped out at 54 inches. I had to tie her to my light so she would stop from leaning into the sides of the tent. Well, those branches are heavy and VERY flexible so it is what it is.

Sorry about the pics. She is so difficult to take a good shot due to her being being in a corner and the reflection from the lights. Well, that is my excuse any way.



This is what her trichomes looked like. Mostly cloudy and a few amber. The last sample I vaped 6 days ago was just about right. It needed some more "roundness" in the last part of the buzz. I will try an another sample today.
Photo on 1-23-21 at 6.25 AM.jpg

Photo on 1-23-21 at 6.26 AM.jpg


WOW, buds galore!
Now thats some 18+ stuff, pure porn :worship:
Yes, this guy absolutely killed it. Unbelieveable results.

I've been meaning to ask, @Nosias = saison? Like the beer style?
Thank you. "Nosias" comes from old TV ads by Remco. They would only sell on tv and finish their pitch with this, ... remember these are not sold in any store!" So Nosias was pulled from the ether and I have stuck with it.
Take care
Now who do I contact for a pounder badge? :woohoo1::thumbsup:

ok, i'm super late to the table here (what else is new... :rolleyes2: ), but jus wanted to say congratz on the pounder :d5: :headbang: :slap: ...and i checked, and yes, u were awarded a 1 lb badge for this back in march...however, u may not be aware of how to display it under ur name...which i for one sure as hell would do if i were u, lol :biggrin: ...jus go to profile > badgez & click the lil megaphone icon beside the badge & it'll display under ur name all nice, proud & spiffy :thumbsup: ppp