New Grower To Auto Or Not To Auto? Stitch Blueberries -- let's see!

:help: 43 days -- still nuthin'!
Getting antsy, feel I'm wasting time and space. Dunno how much longer to wait on these
f-cking things. My Different Ryders are hitting budset and stretching at day 27; Blueberries just using up resources. I'll wait another 4 days and update, then I'm open to suggestions people....
I had a Dr Feelgood outside a few years ago that started preflower at day 48. It was an auto as daylight hours were still getting longer each day.
I had a Dr Feelgood outside a few years ago that started preflower at day 48. It was an auto as daylight hours were still getting longer each day.

Well I'll be waiting till day 47, see what happens then, but I've been through this with Stitch's ducksfoots -hung in there till day 75, hoping, and it's kinda killed my patience for Stitch plants that take their time. If they were 'super autos' I might understand taking this long, but then again, ain't no super auto more super than Dutch Passion Think Different -- and mine was a late pheno but it still hit budset right about now! Sheeesh!!
Patience is a virtue South! Stay cool, if they turn out to be supers you may get a beast sized harvest and the Ryders will keep you going in the meantime. I've had a similar experience (see link on my signature) but am growing outdoors in UK.

Sometimes you just got to roll the dice..!
ThinkDifferent is not a super auto. And you probably got photoperiods if there are no preflowers showing by now.. If you can, wait a week and then decide what to do.
ThinkDifferent is not a super auto. And you probably got photoperiods if there are no preflowers showing by now.. If you can, wait a week and then decide what to do.

Not being argumentive, but I've seen TD being referred to as a super auto on a few different sites, so I can see how South Syder would refer to it as one
Patience is a virtue South! Stay cool, if they turn out to be supers you may get a beast sized harvest and the Ryders will keep you going in the meantime. I've had a similar experience (see link on my signature) but am growing outdoors in UK.

Sometimes you just got to roll the dice..!

Thanks bro -- I'll check that out. Problem is, I got a cab just bigger than micro-grow size and can't afford massive plants. Decisions, decisions.....

ThinkDifferent is not a super auto. And you probably got photoperiods if there are no preflowers showing by now.. If you can, wait a week and then decide what to do.

I sure hope you're wrong about them being photos man -- and waitin' a whole week is gonna be a trick for me.

Not being argumentive, but I've seen TD being referred to as a super auto on a few different sites, so I can see how South Syder would refer to it as one

I'm confused guys; if TD ain't a super auto -- what in heck is--?! I mean, if you can get more super than that, I wanna know; I wanna try it!!

Thanks for the feedback people. Update in four days and you can all have a look and help me decide (but it's all I can do not to yank those bitches each time I look in there. LoL!)

Thanks bro -- I'll check that out. Problem is, I got a cab just bigger than micro-grow size and can't afford massive plants. Decisions, decisions.....

I sure hope you're wrong about them being photos man -- and waitin' a whole week is gonna be a trick for me.

I'm confused guys; if TD ain't a super auto -- what in heck is--?! I mean, if you can get more super than that, I wanna know; I wanna try it!!

Thanks for the feedback people. Update in four days and you can all have a look and help me decide (but it's all I can do not to yank those bitches each time I look in there. LoL!)

LMFAO! I feel your frustration, South Syder! I'm going through some frustrating times myself. Different scenario, but frustrating nonetheless. Here's a link about supers. It might help clarify things a bit.
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LMFAO! I feel your frustration, South Syder! I'm going through some frustrating times myself. Different scenario, but frustrating nonetheless. Here's a link about supers. It might help clarify things a bit.

Cheers bro, I'll look at them tonight.

why not put them on 12/12 and see what happens? be a shame to waste them at this point

I know pop, it would be a shame but I'm holding two excellent photos for my buddy who needs his CBD meds; he rents and occasionally needs to move addresses if things get too sticky for him. He's lost a few good strains that way so I'm the hold-'em guy (he shares lotsa buds with me each harvest so I don't mind doing it). Got a CBD Critical Mass and a White Ice (I think, or is it a Black Russian?) that he has settled on after years of stuffing around with dozens of strains. If I switch to 12/12 we got nowhere to put them -- and I don't wanna sacrifice outstanding photos for questionable 'autos'.