TLO/Super Soil recipes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe Dirt
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M new to this forum and to using organic soil. I bought Nature’s Living Soil on Amazon and used it with Oregon’s Only/Nectar of the Gods [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] Soil, with a little chunky perlite mixed in. I put this in my Autopots. I have filled the reservoir with rain water I collected along with a giant tea bag of llama poop (called Llama Brew) throughput this grow. I have had absolutely no issues - no deficiencies or burns or anything. And my little 4x4 tent is wall-to-wall plants. I love this method of growing!

I’m learning more by reading this forum. I’d like to make my own super soil since it’s expensive to buy, but all the recipes are for larger amounts. I’ll have to try to reduce the recipes. Or does anyone have a recipe for a smaller amount. I’m only growing 4 plants.

Should I reuse the soil I’m using now on my next grow? I’m going to mix in all the leftover llama poop. (It’s round pellets like rabbit poop and keeps its shape even after having been in the reservoir for a week.). Also, if I do an equal mix of coir, chunky perlite and organic soil and also use super soil in the bottom, would this work well?

Yes @NewDream definitely get into recycling your soil.I have no experience with autopots,llama manure or nature’s living soil so I can’t say anything about those but I do have experience with mixing my own soil and recycling it and making teas and keeping worms and cooking ( composting) soil.I would recommend reading TLO 2.0 by the Rev.I would also recommend stopping by KIS organics and check out what’s called the Coot mix.It contains everything you need for a great soil mix to start with and it’s like $15 to mix 4 gallons I think which is more like 5-7 gallons for autos.The real key when making your own soil mix is [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] quality EWC’s and inputs and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is cooking your soil for 45-60 days if possible (30 days bare minimum).Don’t forget trace minerals are also very important which the Coot mix covers with Basalt rock dust but I still use azomite or sea 90 usually.Are you new to growing or just new to organic soil growing?
Yes for sure you can recycle your soil. Seems like it's done a good job it will just need a bit of amendment to bring it back to full readiness. I see @BISCUITS has already said about what I was going to say...good advice:pass:
Yes @NewDream definitely get into recycling your soil.I have no experience with autopots,llama manure or nature’s living soil so I can’t say anything about those but I do have experience with mixing my own soil and recycling it and making teas and keeping worms and cooking ( composting) soil.I would recommend reading TLO 2.0 by the Rev.I would also recommend stopping by KIS organics and check out what’s called the Coot mix.It contains everything you need for a great soil mix to start with and it’s like $15 to mix 4 gallons I think which is more like 5-7 gallons for autos.The real key when making your own soil mix is [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] quality EWC’s and inputs and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is cooking your soil for 45-60 days if possible (30 days bare minimum).Don’t forget trace minerals are also very important which the Coot mix covers with Basalt rock dust but I still use azomite or sea 90 usually.Are you new to growing or just new to organic soil growing?
I’m new to growing weed (on my 3rdgrow) and new to organics. I’ve had lots of plants though - mostly house plants and succulents but used chemical fertilizers with the occasional organic additive. I will definitely look into the coot mix. Sounds ideal. Thanks for the advice!
Also remember when growing in a living soil to try to resist the urge to use almost anything that comes in a bottle.You are maintaining and feeding/nurturing the soil and all the life that is contained in a delicate symbiotic relationship in the soil and especially the rhizoshere.All products are not created equal and even though they are supposed to be the same thing ie: fish hydolysate or Humic Acid.One brand of fish or Humic may make the micro life very happy and excited while the next product may actually kill them or seriously atrophy them.I have learned this by testing products and checking results under a microscope.I have added Fulpower and seen the micro herds just go crazy like a micro nightclub or something but then add another company’s fulvic acid products and have seen them stagnate or sometimes outright killed.KISS KISS KISS! and not on the lips!
I'll say it again, it's the best and most important thing I learned here. Nurture your soil and it will take care of the plants.:thumbsup:
In your case you could have a tote of soil that you take care of and take out what you need when you need it. Sounds like a sourdough :smoking:
Exactly!!! What Jraven said.There is no need to ever discard soil.Just like the sourdough starter culture and fine wine it only gets better through the years.Most of my soil is close to five years old and would be older but I have only lived here 5 years.
The biggest mistake I made when jumping into blending up my own soil mix was not purchasing quality ingredients, I kept fighting thrips and an occasional two spot spider mite, once my own worm bins were producing and finding build a soil products things were 100% better, prevention is way easier then reaction, I couldn't believe how much easier organic became... I been using a trumped up coot mix and the flavors are great, it's a bit overwhelming $$$ wise to get started but since one can reuse over and over and buying in bulk is cheaper I can go two years before running out of an ingredient....been growing photos for years but I am fairly new too autos so I did have to mellow my soil mix slightly... Just my two cents