TLO/Super Soil recipes

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Turning your soil and keeping it moist and aerated will help to spread the bacteria and stuff through the soil as they multiply rapidly in a good TRUE LIVING Soul MIX.This helps to ensure that they always have a good air supply which is uber important and redistributes them in the soil so they always have a good food supply and multiply that much faster.When you make a worm or compost tea do you just add water and stick it in a dark place.?I certainly don’t.I give my teas all the oxygen I can along with good food for the micro life.I am not saying to load your teas with lots of nutrients just good simple foods they can use to start multiplying which is almost instantaneously with lots of air,turbulence and an easy food source to consume.NO TILL and TLO are very similar as for the ingredients used but the process is a little bit different.No Till is a top down and layering methodology which works better in a raised bed or very large container for indoor growing.We are essentially doing the same thing but need our mixes to be that much more powerful because we are in smaller containers hopefully running a bit higher metabolism with warm grow room temps.I actually do semi no till where I will run 2-3 plants back to back in the same container.I just wiggle out the old stem and tap root mostly and place a new plant right into the same container with a fresh layer of castings and a decent top dress and mulch and the plants have done great so far with this method.This can be a big time and expenses saving way to do things and produces beautiful plants for me always.I also wanted to touch on teas for a sec too.A lot of people (me included) think of their teas as fertilizer.Not so much! They are supplements and boosters or enhancers for the soil not the plant.I now run them seperately.I will make a light nutrient style tea that I still aerate but don’t add the castings.Too much food stuff and stronger nutrients in your tea mix can actually impede the bacteria from multiplying as rapidly.Keep your teas very simplistic and basic.Like h20,EWC and molasses is all you really need.Keep the pH around 6 if possible and the temp between 60-70F for max oxygen saturation and bacterial population explosion.Brew for 24-48 hours and you should be golden.
And yes they do sell smart pot type fabric 10gal potato planters with a bottom access door for easy harvesting of small amounts of castings at a time.Its what I use and it works perfectly.I also recommend getting red wrigglers and African night crawlers so the wigglers will work the top and the night crawlers work the bottom so the whole thing is working top to bottom.
Glad I could turn you on to comfrey! I’m still very early in my learning. You might enjoy the podcasts from Tad Hussey of KIS Organics. Particularly the 3 with Clackamas Coot! He discusses his worm bins and feeding of them and he attributes the quality of his soil mostly to the quality of his worm castings and the use of malted barley both feeding the worms and feeding the microbes in his soil. I’ll put a YouTube link to the first one below, if you’re interested; but they’re also available on various other podcast platforms. I can’t remember which one contains the discussion on worms.

I included a little glacial rock dust, basalt, sand and oyster shell flour in the bin when I first set it up. So, I haven’t been putting egg shells in. Don’t you think those inputs would provide sufficient grit for the worms? But I do rinse my egg shells. I’m collecting mine (got a pretty good bag going) to make WCA - Watersoluble Calcium. When I prepare them, I actually heat them and remove the lining from the shell as well. I had thought about taking some of those and grinding them into a flour for the bins before I used the rest of them for my WCA. This would just to add calcium to the castings, really. But I could also just add a little WCA when the bin gets a little dry to get the Ca in there.

I just started feeding corners after I had a bloom of “worm mites” in my wiggler bin. Freaked me out. I really didn’t “feed” much but the compost I used to start the bin a couple weeks earlier is, of course, a food source. That, along with the malted barley, 3 old bananas and some Brussel sprouts I had around ended up with the bin teeming with those mites. Wasn’t easy to identify them either. Finally, Arbico and Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm both confirmed it from pics and videos I sent. I haven’t added any more food and I added some dry peat moss on top and it’s all under control now. But, I learned to feed the corners like you said to see how much they can eat and at what rate. Lol!

I knew overfeeding was bad but I forgot to consider the compost used in setup was actually a food! Live and learn.

Here’s that podcast I mentioned. The 2nd and 3rd parts of the interview are Episodes 7 & 8, respectively.

Bro that podcast was great - just wanted to express my gratitude bro, thanks ..... added some malted barley into my worm bins and the activity is super, worms absolutely love it ..... also scored two loads of horse poop and may get some turkey poop as well .... my outside garden will rock this summer, worms galore .... I’ve got leaves, cardboard and poop and more leaves sitting over my red clay soil ..... best grow to ya!
And yes they do sell smart pot type fabric 10gal potato planters with a bottom access door for easy harvesting of small amounts of castings at a time.Its what I use and it works perfectly.I also recommend getting red wrigglers and African night crawlers so the wigglers will work the top and the night crawlers work the bottom so the whole thing is working top to bottom.

Reds and Africans work great together, that’s what I have in my bin .... add some Neem Cake and/or malted barley or malted rye to the bin, about 1/4 cup each at first
I buy Triple Cast from Tea Labs since Worm Bins with all the other stuffs I know how to do but,Soooo dont do any of it anymore with my Disease and broke ass,Ass..LOL super killer for top coating and flower tea bases. super good!! I bet you got some serious fire laying around with all them worm a tea brewer?
ill have to give them a look.thanks for the heads up man.Tea Labs does have a few things that are pretty darned nice get that you would have to combine two of their items.LOL sounds great!!

Edit: Yeah,I looked at them. They sound good.You use them all the time?ever use the triple cast? thats pretty nice,their Beetle Juice is pretty killer too.Their fishballs are stupid handy for indoor gardens.
@Eyes on Fire i just took a look at Tea Lab and yes sir E bob they look legit!Do you order from them regularly?I like the look of ALL of their stuff.The Dep blend and the bloom top dress are nice too.The “life cubes” look awesome too!Have you ever tried them in soil or tea?The EWC from Organic Solutions are good and I use them as a backup to my own when running low.I have not tried any of their other stuff but it looks good and on point.The bamboo vinegar looks interesting too.Do you know anything about that stuff?
Yeah I have been using Tea Labs products for awhile now. Tried bringing Luke in on the whole testing thing but he stupid busy most seasons.But he has some of his stuff on Amazon which is handy so yeah I use the fishballs,beetle juice,triple cast,life cube and a cpl other things.Got great products hands down bro.Highly recommended to get some fishballs and maybe some triple cast ,and some life cube or beetle juice.Stellar products!