
A smile from deep Space as seen by Hubble
Cultivators Club
Apr 1, 2017
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All that I have
Today is
April 5, 2020 14 days old

3 - FAST BUDS: G-14

My 6th auto flower garden will feature something new and something old. The old are Dutch Passion Ultimate and Fast Buds Six Shooter. (The first Six Shooter seed was stunted so I planted my last in in the same bucket) The new is Linda Seeds. This is the first time I’ve used this breeder/seed house. They did a great job and I got the shipment in 8 days.

My set up is the same with the exception that this entire grow I will use some extra lights. I picked up two of Viparspectra 300W off craigs list, they pull 140 watts from the wall. Also a KINGLED 1500W. The KINGLED pulled 270 watts from the wall. I do expect to see some more growth from these extra lights.

I am using the 3.9 gal/15L Auto Pots. On every grow I have had, all the roots are all basically at the bottom encasing the air dome. Some I am only filling each less than half. Just trying to save some coco.

There really is not much to see at this stage. I seemed to have gotten the first two weeks behind me without hurting the babies. I used only half of what Mega Crop said to use, They say 0.26 gram per liter so I used 0.13 per liter on the first water. I watered the 4 strong ladies yesterday with the 0.26 gram as they were showing a little bit lighter green. On this second watering I used some Cal/mg and used 0.25 gram of Sweet Candy.



FAST BUDS: SIX SHOOTER The first one I planted went all twisted and deformed so I planted my last Six Shooter next to her. New Lady is one day old.

FAST BUDS: G-14 She is looking great


LINDA SEEDS: FAT BLUEBERRY/SWEET SEEDS (unknown) I originally planted the Fat Blueberry but It was all deformed so I planted a mystery Sweet Seeds from their variety pack. The Sweet Seeds is one week old. The Fat Blueberry looks like it may make it. Looks like a two-fer in the pot.

LINDA SEEDS: Purple Kush. She is looking real nice.

I will update weekly.

On a personal note Everyone please be safe. We are all going through our own personal paths in the pandemic and "..times they are a changing". Think of others first.
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Today is
April 5, 2019 14 days old

3 - FAST BUDS: G-14

My 6th auto flower garden will feature something new and something old. The old are Dutch Passion Ultimate and Fast Buds Six Shooter. (The first Six Shooter seed was stunted so I planted my last in in the same bucket) The new is Linda Seeds. This is the first time I’ve used this breeder/seed house. They did a great job and I got the shipment in 8 days.

My set up is the same with the exception that this entire grow I will use some extra lights. I picked up two of Viparspectra 300W off craigs list, they pull 140 watts from the wall. Also a KINGLED 1500W. The KINGLED pulled 270 watts from the wall. I do expect to see some more growth from these extra lights.

I am using the 3.9 gal/15L Auto Pots. On every grow I have had, all the roots are all basically at the bottom encasing the air dome. Some I am only filling each less than half. Just trying to save some coco.
View attachment 1175428

There really is not much to see at this stage. I seemed to have gotten the first two weeks behind me without hurting the babies. I used only half of what Mega Crop said to use, They say 0.26 gram per liter so I used 0.13 per liter on the first water. I watered the 4 strong ladies yesterday with the 0.26 gram as they were showing a little bit lighter green. On this second watering I used some Cal/mg and used 0.25 gram of Sweet Candy.


View attachment 1175429

FAST BUDS: SIX SHOOTER The first one I planted went all twisted and deformed so I planted my last Six Shooter next to her. New Lady is one day old.
View attachment 1175432

FAST BUDS: G-14 She is looking great
View attachment 1175433

View attachment 1175434

LINDA SEEDS: FAT BLUEBERRY/SWEET SEEDS (unknown) I originally planted the Fat Blueberry but It was all deformed so I planted a mystery Sweet Seeds from their variety pack. The Sweet Seeds is one week old. The Fat Blueberry looks like it may make it. Looks like a two-fer in the pot.
View attachment 1175439

LINDA SEEDS: Purple Kush. She is looking real nice.
View attachment 1175440

I will update weekly.

On a personal note Everyone please be safe. We are all going through our own personal paths in the pandemic and "..times they are a changing". Think of others first.
Thanks for the reminder of thinking of others in this pandemic. Let there be no doubt, this pandemic is going to kill a lot of people over the next several weeks. Our individual choices will determine how bad this gets in our local community, including among our family, friends, and neighbours. If we choose to not isolate as instructed, we are choosing to make the problem worse than it could be. If we behave, we contribute to reducing the horror at our local hospitals.

Even if you think you are invincible because you are younger and healthy, think about the hospital staff who will be trying to save those infected due to decisions like yours. Dr. Anthony Fauci stated in an interview last night on PBS that it is now clear that asymptomatic individuals are not merely infectious, they can pass Covid-19 on by merely speaking - no coughing or sneezing is needed to produce infective airborne droplets. Let me be blunt, you do not know whether you are infected, and if you are, a failure to isolate as instructed can pass lethal disease to others, helping to cause disastrous overload in local hospitals. Pay attention to what is unfolding in Italy, Spain, and other EU countries, and for that matter, New York State, and think carefully about helping duplicate that degree of disaster in your own community. Keep in mind that the amount of disease in your community is inevitably far higher than the numbers can indicate early in the outbreak. The numbers today reflect infections that began two or more weeks ago. In the meantime, the virus will have doubled every two or three days in people who have yet to become sick enough to get tested and have their cases added to statistics. Controlling this outbreak locally requires dramatic effort far earlier than is obvious according to local confirmed infection numbers. Do not assume that because local numbers suggest nothing much is going on that you can safely fail to isolate as ordered or requested.

One more concluding thought for those who feel that they are personally not at risk from the disease, and that saving the old folks is not worth the hassle. This virus has killed many younger and apparently perfectly healthy individuals, and will kill many more before this pandemic is done. The five year old recently expired in the UK is just one example. As governor Andrew Cuomo has repeatedly stated, no one, no matter their health or age, is immune from this disease. Regardless of your age or health, the person your decisions might kill could be you or a young family member, not your elderly neighbour.

A small glimmer of good news here is that tending our grows at home, and sharing about it here on AFN, are safe ways of getting through this while keeping busy and engaging with others. On that note @Nosias , good luck with the grow, I look forward to seeing how you make out with the Autopots and Megacrop.

Keep safe peeps, and please pay attention to your local public health experts, they are the ones providing advice that can help.
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Thanks for the reminder of thinking of others in this pandemic. Let there be no doubt, this pandemic is going to kill a lot of people over the next several weeks. Our individual choices will determine how bad this gets in our local community, including among our family, friends, and neighbours. If we choose to not isolate as instructed, we are choosing to make the problem worse than it could be. If we behave, we contribute to reducing the horror at our local hospitals.

Even if you think you are invincible because you are younger and healthy, think about the hospital staff who will be trying to save those infected due to decisions like yours. Dr. Anthony Fauci stated in an interview last night on PBS that it is now clear that asymptomatic individuals are not merely infectious, they can pass Covid-19 on by merely speaking - no coughing or sneezing is needed to produce infective airborne droplets. Let me be blunt, you do not know whether you are infected, and if you are, a failure to isolate as instructed can pass lethal disease to others, helping to cause disastrous overload in local hospitals. Pay attention to what is unfolding in Italy, Spain, and other EU countries, and for that matter, New York State, and think carefully about helping duplicate that degree of disaster in your own community. Keep in mind that the amount of disease in your community is inevitably far higher than the numbers can indicate early in the outbreak. The numbers today reflect infections that began two or more weeks ago. In the meantime, the virus will have doubled every two or three days in people who have yet to become sick enough to get tested and have their cases added to statistics. Controlling this outbreak locally requires dramatic effort far earlier than is obvious according to local confirmed infection numbers. Do not assume that because local numbers suggest nothing much is going on that you can safely fail to isolate as ordered or requested.

One more concluding thought for those who feel that they are personally not at risk from the disease, and that saving the old folks is not worth the hassle. This virus has killed many younger and apparently perfectly healthy individuals, and will kill many more before this pandemic is done. The five year old recently expired in the UK is just one example. As governor Andrew Cuomo has repeatedly stated, no one, no matter their health or age, is immune from this disease. Regardless of your age or health, the person your decisions might kill could be you or a young family member, not your elderly neighbour.

A small glimmer of good news here is that tending our grows at home, and sharing about it here on AFN, are safe ways of getting through this while keeping busy and engaging with others. On that note @Nosias , good luck with the grow, I look forward to seeing how you make out with the Autopots and Megacrop.

Keep safe peeps, and please pay attention to your local public health experts, they are the ones providing advice that can help.
Today is
April 5, 2019 14 days old

3 - FAST BUDS: G-14

My 6th auto flower garden will feature something new and something old. The old are Dutch Passion Ultimate and Fast Buds Six Shooter. (The first Six Shooter seed was stunted so I planted my last in in the same bucket) The new is Linda Seeds. This is the first time I’ve used this breeder/seed house. They did a great job and I got the shipment in 8 days.

My set up is the same with the exception that this entire grow I will use some extra lights. I picked up two of Viparspectra 300W off craigs list, they pull 140 watts from the wall. Also a KINGLED 1500W. The KINGLED pulled 270 watts from the wall. I do expect to see some more growth from these extra lights.

I am using the 3.9 gal/15L Auto Pots. On every grow I have had, all the roots are all basically at the bottom encasing the air dome. Some I am only filling each less than half. Just trying to save some coco.
View attachment 1175428

There really is not much to see at this stage. I seemed to have gotten the first two weeks behind me without hurting the babies. I used only half of what Mega Crop said to use, They say 0.26 gram per liter so I used 0.13 per liter on the first water. I watered the 4 strong ladies yesterday with the 0.26 gram as they were showing a little bit lighter green. On this second watering I used some Cal/mg and used 0.25 gram of Sweet Candy.


View attachment 1175429

FAST BUDS: SIX SHOOTER The first one I planted went all twisted and deformed so I planted my last Six Shooter next to her. New Lady is one day old.
View attachment 1175432

FAST BUDS: G-14 She is looking great
View attachment 1175433

View attachment 1175434

LINDA SEEDS: FAT BLUEBERRY/SWEET SEEDS (unknown) I originally planted the Fat Blueberry but It was all deformed so I planted a mystery Sweet Seeds from their variety pack. The Sweet Seeds is one week old. The Fat Blueberry looks like it may make it. Looks like a two-fer in the pot.
View attachment 1175439

LINDA SEEDS: Purple Kush. She is looking real nice.
View attachment 1175440

I will update weekly.

On a personal note Everyone please be safe. We are all going through our own personal paths in the pandemic and "..times they are a changing". Think of others first.

Hi Nosias,

I just finished another grow with autopots. Yesterday, I dumped the 50/50 coco/perlite out of the pots and observed like my past grows that the 15l pots are a waste of medium for coco at least. I am thinking of buying the smaller pots or cutting them down with a dremel.

So I am interested to see how your reduced coco pots work. My concern from your pots is that ---do you think/or will you attempt to make them stretch more, so you will able to maniputlate the lower part of the plant(s)?

Good growing!
Hi Nosias,

I just finished another grow with autopots. Yesterday, I dumped the 50/50 coco/perlite out of the pots and observed like my past grows that the 15l pots are a waste of medium for coco at least. I am thinking of buying the smaller pots or cutting them down with a dremel.

So I am interested to see how your reduced coco pots work. My concern from your pots is that ---do you think/or will you attempt to make them stretch more, so you will able to maniputlate the lower part of the plant(s)?

Good growing!
If I need to train/bend the lower branches then I will try to use the "two screws hanging from a twist tie". But you bring up a good point! I will just see how it goes. I have thought about cutting off a portion of the top but I wonder if we would loose some rigidity.
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@Nosias I thought I'd pop back and say hi I hope your safe and well as you said were in very uncertain times I've also just grown 2 six shooter one in a solo cup and another big one in a airpot there in my sanlight thread
All safe here. Thank you.
@Nosias I thought I'd pop back and say hi I hope your safe and well as you said were in very uncertain times I've also just grown 2 six shooter one in a solo cup and another big one in a airpot there in my sanlight thread

All safe here. Thank you. Be Safe and Stay safe. I hope all is well with you and yours.