Don Skelly, broadcasting Spank-O-Vision world-wide!!

.... man that WB came through like a champ, as did FCJ (as usual!),... I have to give prop's to Bomb for their version of Widow, it's proving itself to be solid goods.... both made really nice bud, nice density and loaded with resins! How are their aroma's this time? .... BIK looks great, not so raw at all IMO-

- happy you let her stay, ay? ..... BW came out winner too, more gummy stuff we love!.. .....
drooool-- TF!! Wow, you got fuely notes on this one you say? What a combo-

... how's the buzz compare? ----

Hash vid' is a keeper Skelly,... some interesting stuff to learn there.... beautiful blonde kief too! I wish we could have seen the bud it came from,..... I think the water steams up a bit, which more gently softens and heats the kief, and makes the texture more manageable to work by hand,... also noted is how much they work that stuff over-

feeling the porn pressure now-

- got dinner guests tonight, but later I'll endeavor to shot some dry-porn too!