Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Thanks you for the kind words my good friend rebel!! And thanks for the giant blast of rep as well! Whatcha got starting tonight reb? BTW 11 roses is friggin A-1 toke....very, very good indeed!!

Ive decided to run two full tents of autos for the rest of fall and winter. I'm doing group planting for the next few weeks to space out and prolong harvest. I did this in the spring/summer and was harvesting for 7 weeks! But that was photos and autos. Wanna see what two full tents will bring us!

Planting fems... Then the regulars then replacing the males with fems. Starting off with Double Grape and White Stompers.

Dude... Eleven Roses is absolutely perfect. I'm buying a 10 pack to run for the next photo run in 2019. Absolute must meds in this house! It never lasts long lol
Ive decided to run two full tents of autos for the rest of fall and winter. I'm doing group planting for the next few weeks to space out and prolong harvest. I did this in the spring/summer and was harvesting for 7 weeks! But that was photos and autos. Wanna see what two full tents will bring us!

Planting fems... Then the regulars then replacing the males with fems. Starting off with Double Grape and White Stompers.

Dude... Eleven Roses is absolutely perfect. I'm buying a 10 pack to run for the next photo run in 2019. Absolute must meds in this house! It never lasts long lol

Please tag me to your thread rebel!

The hash looks great! Did you use a mold or just shape it by hand?

I used an afghanistani how to video as a guide. The simplified process was like this. I heated up a frying pan with a piece of tinfoil to 6 on the electric stovetop. I put in my kief and added a bit of water and lightly pressed it together. Cooked the patty and flipped it over a couple of times. Then i pressed it by hand to firm up the patty...repeat this process a few times, but no more water is added. Then i take the patty and put it into cellophane plastic and use a rolling pin to roll it into a thin patty. Then remove from plastic and form into a ball, reheat and then follow this procedure a few times and whammo, pretty sweet hash on the stovetop!!
Yeah I just use dry ice and a 160 bag, scrape it up with a credit card, press it into a nickel sized wafer, wrap in foil and call it done. 15 minutes tops. I can sure appreciate an craftsman at work though.

Dry ice is a bugger for me to find...dont want to drive 2 hours each direction to secure it, so i am using old school hash making methods
Yeah it's literally at the Walmart 10 minutes from home where I would buy milk and beer anyway. If I had to do it old school I'd probably not bother.

I'm going to do some dragon tincture next time. My last box of trim got forgotten and got moldy , so it will be new year before I try again.
Yeah it's literally at the Walmart 10 minutes from home where I would buy milk and beer anyway. If I had to do it old school I'd probably not bother.

I'm going to do some dragon tincture next time. My last box of trim got forgotten and got moldy , so it will be new year before I try again.

Walmart sells dry ice?? Hmm i'll have to inquire and see if mine has any for grabs!!