Indoor This will be a Slowmo Grow

happy new year all.. i can't use quotes for some reason...
@Dudeski @XxxAuto @Eyeoftheworld @Dr. Babnik @MarshydroTina

but i cut a baby today...

and regretted it 2 secs later ... she already smells so nice after cutting

nice side branching without topping or FiM

But she was gonna be huge.... i have a feeling this is a outdoor cross.

2 babies left... ..

I'm starting some mephisto beans ... just have to ponder which ones :eyebrows:

yep us eejits dont make it easy for ourselves,growing different strains at different ages.mixing diff nutes and mixing them up oops burnt that one.
its more sensible to run the same strain over and over again tweeking dialing in etc.