Indoor This will be a Slowmo Grow

Surely some bud porn sir? I think you could have waited a lil longer, those fans looked green to my eyes.

Here u go :


I looked at 3 different samples from TA today and she was ready :pighug:

She got the chop 135g wet and should be 1 oz dry ... :rofl: but looks amazing, can't wait to try bubble from the trim tomorrow ;) :hookah:
I need to make ice. However, production has to wait until Thursday. I will get an infusion tomorrow and it may come some influenza symtomes.
thank m8 :pass:

I am sure it's a really nice smoke :smoking:, but i have promised myself, no more dwarfs :shrug:. the last 2 was not worth the space in the tent ...
I understand your feeling. I have a dwarf Skywalker, it feels like a waste of space. 20 cm...