Dutch Passion Think differnet, Auto Durban Poison - Autopot - LED

5 days since the last update. I love going back and looking at the last pics and comparing them to the new ones...just to make sure they are growing. :kitty:
What do you guys think, is it time to turn on the autopot? And also, is it okey to have the other pot plugged into the system? Or do I have to disconnect it and wait till she's ready?

Edit: It also just hit me, how many L/min do the airpump need to be?

Think Different
Day 20


Auto Durban Poison
Day 9

Same thing here as on TD, one of her 2nd set of leafs is a tad bigger on one side.

Small update, hope you guys enjoy.
Happy wednesday! :joy:
I would do one more feeding to saturate whole pot and then turn on autopots.
Sounds like a plan, thanks for the advice mate! :d5:
Any thoughts on the other autopot with the small plant, should I unplug it first? My initial thought is that the water might become stagnant or bad some how for the plant once the roots hit the bottom.